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History of Teldaris

The Dragon Era

... 1 DR

  • -317 DR

    The Rise of the Dragon King
    Era beginning/end

    The Rise of the Dragon King marks the beginning of recorded history in Teldaris. It came about when the King of Mik offered half his kingdom to any hero who could slay the dragon terrorising his lands. The man who would become the Dragon King slayed the dragon with the help of his companions, and claimed his prize. The newly crowned Dragon King then decided that half the kingdom was not enough, and conquered the rest of the land with only minimal resistance - the old King had been a tyrant, and the new King was much more well-liked by the populace.

  • -206 DR

    The Northern Coalition Forms
    Political event

    The North unites to oppose the Dragon King, beginning a long and grisly campaign.

  • -188 DR

    The Dragon King Receives His Crown
    Religious event

    The Dragon King goes up to the sacred mountain far to the North and gives names to the Five Gods of the North, receiving the gems for his crown from them in turn.

    Additional timelines
  • -129 DR

    Northern Coalition Crushed
    Military action

    The final holdouts of the Northern Alliance are crushed in battle by the Dragon King and the Northgardian forces. Northern resistance to his rule remains, but it will never again be unified enough to pose a real threat.

  • -108 DR

    Northgard Fully Unified

    The last organised political resistance to the Dragon King's rule is defeated, and he turns his attention to internal enemies, most notably the cults of the Elder Gods and other heretics against his new faith, which most of the Northgardians had embraced. This includes another major campaign against a cultic stronghold in the mountains of central Northgard.

  • -107 DR

    -22 DR

    The Golden Age of the North
    Era beginning/end

    The Golden Age of Northgard begins, as the rule of the Dragon King brings unprecedented peace and prosperity to the North. Literacy becomes more widespread as the Dragon King trains a network of scribes and administrators, and the arts flourish, as does trade between different areas of the North, as well as between the North and the rest of the world. Battles are still fought against bandits and cultists, but nothing that disrupts the peace of the region at large.

  • -42 DR

    Urog Rashala unites the tribes of Kurva's Back

    Urog Rashala united the Orcish tribes of Kurva's Back into a Horde for the first time in recorded history - however, the oldest tales of the Orcs suggest that this wasn't the first time this happened.

  • -23 DR

    Northgard Invades Kaiven
    Military action

    The Dragon King, having united the fractious North under the banner of Northgard, leads his new kingdom on an invasion of modern-day Kaiven, triggering a series of events that lead to the creation of an alliance to oppose him and his ultimate death in battle at the hands of Warchief Urog Rashala.

  • -23 DR

    The Grand Alliance Forms
    Diplomatic action

    An alliance of Men and Dwarves forms in the North to oppose the Dragon King's invasion. Seeing him as a threat to the entire world, they are soon joined by a detachment of Elves from Ithronel and further south, and then by the Orcish Horde lead by Urog Rashala.

  • -19 DR

    Fall of the Dragon King
    Military action

    After a long campaign spanning multiple years and many battles, the Dragon King is finally toppled by Urog Rashala in a great battle on the plains of Western Kaiven. His army scatters and is driven North in disarray.

  • -18 DR

    Founding of Elyria

    Kaz the Purple founds Elyria and establishes the city of Kazholm at the mouth of the River Aldor. He does this with the help of soldiers from the army of the Dragon King that he had commanded and which were still loyal to him.

    Additional timelines

The Imperial Era

1 IR 281 IR

  • 1 IR

    The Foundation of the Kaimundian Empire

    Kain, the son of a powerful Yareshi noblemen and one of the commanders of the human forces in the Grand Alliance, founds the city of Kain and with it his new Kaimundian Empire, with the goal of uniting all of mankind under a single banner.

    More reading
    The Kaimundian Empire
  • 36 IR

    The Conquest of Yaresh
    Military action

    The Kaimundian Empire, lead by the aging Emperor Kain I, conquers the ancient city of Yaresh, marking the definitive end of the Old World. Kain is offered the title of Chief of Chiefs by the surrendering leadership, but rejects it, insisting that he will rule as Emperor only.

The Troubles

282 IR 639 IR

  • 282 IR

    The Flickering
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Magic on Teldaris begins to fade, weakening and beginning to flicker out of existence entirely

Arcanum Rising

640 IR and beyond

  • 640 IR

    643 IR

    The Return

    Magic begins to return to Teldaris, stuttering and faint at first. By 643, it's returned in full force.