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The Imperial Faith

The Imperial Faith is the religion of the old Kaimundian Empire. The Pantheon is lead by Torg, the Godsmith, and his (oft-estranged) wife Druma, the Green Mother. Priests of the Imperial gods are influential at many levels of Imperial society, from clerics of Torg serving as advisors to kings and princes to the priests of Bravos, the God of Merchants, running a magical communication network to facilitate commerce. The pantheon even has a Trickster God, Samael, who serves as the patron of the downtrodden, though his clerics are generally regarded with suspicion at best.   The Imperial faith's pantheon developed from various gods worshiped in the ancient days in the lands around, selected and codified by Kain, the First Emperor. According to myth, Kain went unto the gods and prevailed upon them the necessity of uniting mankind under one banner, and they became the first Eight Gods, each focusing on a different portion of their new imperial society, with the exception of Druma, who was the Goddess of Nature. Torg was the god of Kings and Blacksmiths, Reyavin the goddess of hunter and farmers, Bravos the god of merchants, Geron the God of dutiful Guardsmen and Judges, Odouin the god of those who fought for gold and wine, Samael the god of the downtrodden and Davos the god of the most zealous and violent defenders of the Empire.   Veriax, the Lost God, was one of the first Archmagi of the Empire who became Teldaris's first Lich and ultimately ascended to godhood through unknown means. He then declared himself the Ninth Imperial God, taking Magic and Undeath as his portfolio. As the only Incarnate god, Veriax exercised considerable power, raising armies of undead with his divine power and supporting the Empire's (at this time somewhat waning) armies, so he was accepted by his fellow gods and the rest of the empire very rapidly. Both his name and his influence were lost during the Flickering.   The Imperial Faith is still the national religion in Kaiven and Ramundia, the two successor states to the old Empire. They are also still worshiped in the lands once part of the Old Empire, such as the Western nations of Raverna and Isildor, and more rarely in the lands of Northgard, particularly in Micholm.
Religious, Pantheon

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