Act II | Chapter II | Getting Stoned Report

General Summary

Following Gloria Thimble's brief stint of sleepwalking at the end of Act II, Chapter I, Cops & Augurs, the party settled in for a night's rest. During the night, as she tended to her basement thicket, Munia Ingens noted that some of the insects living in the thicket had begun migrating upstairs towards the kitchen.

The next morning, the party made plans over a breakfast of crepes. They decided to split up and tackle multiple goals at once: Dundra and Bartolomeo would answer the summons of Yosryn Gimble at Lord Falco's Keep; Gloria and Munia would make amends with Tony, and then travel to the Isle di Strozzi to visit Mauro di Losco again and inform him of what they learned from Dalius the Augur; and Sassa would stay at the house to guard the Memory of Utek.

Ships at the Keep by Robert Antoine Pinchon
Dundra and Bartolomeo set off by Gondola to Lord Falco's Keep, the administrative and security center for the city of Vecos. Upon arrival, the pair made note of a large Vaylorian warship docked outside of the Keep, and the presence of mercenaries from the Venerated of Belethyr. Dundra was recognized by one of the guards outside of the Keep, who then escorted the pair to Yosryn Gimble's office.

Once inside Yosryn Gimble's office, he began to ask them questions about a series of events that had occurred over the past few days that he suspected may have involved members of the party:
  • Gimble described the fight that took place outside of the Seining Swashbuckler during the events of Act I, Chapter I, Blood in the Streets. Dundra and Bartolomeo claimed (though not very convincingly, especially on Bart's part) they may or may not have been at a tavern somewhere in Vecos on that night, and may or may not have witnessed a fight, but that it was difficult to remember.
  • Gimble then proceeded to ask the pair about the incident in the Vecos Tunnels that occurred during Act I, Chapter III, The Tunnels Below and Act I, Chapter IV, Floodwatch. Dundra attempted to maintain an air of ambiguity, but Bartolomeo chimed in that the people in the warehouse were "already dead" when they arrived when asked about the numerous bodies found throughout the warehouse and tunnels. Dundra and Bartolomeo maintained that they were not responsible for the deaths of the humanoid bodies found in the tunnels, but were responsible for killing the Cave Fisher whose body was found in the tunnels.
  • Finally, Gimble described witness reports of the explosion that rocked the player's home during Act I, Chapter VI, Hoo Goes There?, and asked the players if they had permission to be staying in the home they were seen exiting after the fireball blast. Through some careful back-and-forth, the players shared that they had been given the home by Albizzo Rozelli, and were now the legal owners of the property. Gimble revealed that the Mardets had reached out to Albizzo Rozelli for questioning, but that he had not yet answered their summons. The players maintained that they had no knowledge of the reason for the explosion.
Before leaving, Yosryn Gimble reminded the players of the importance of telling him the truth, and requested that the other two members of the party answer the summons for questioning as well. He also shared with the pair a stack of reports connected to the player's home detailing numerous requests made to the temples of Vecos requesting that the property be cleansed of "unwanted spiritual activity".

Meanwhile, Gloria Thimble and Munia Ingens located Tony at the "Gondola Depot" and tried to make amends with him after his Gondola was nearly destroyed by Bartolomeo during the events of Act II, Chapter I, Cops & Augurs. Gloria first tried to blame Bart's behavior on "bad shrooms", but Tony saw through Gloria's deception. Gloria then claimed they didn't know what Bart was on, but that he's been cleaned up; Munia added that he had been "severely punished" for his behavior. Tony admonished Gloria for her choice of company, and mused that he may have to have a conversation with her parents at some point. Munia reiterated that Bartolomeo had been "severely punished". Gloria then secured Tony's forgiveness with a bribe of warm crepes. He then took them to the Isle di Strozzi.

Once at the Isle di Strozzi, the pair entered the Hall of Wonders and gained an audience with Mauro di Losco, the head Artificer of Consorza Automa. They shared with him what they learned from Dalius the Augur during Act II, Chapter I, Cops & Augurs - that the assailent who through the Fireball at their front door was an Automaton. Mauro di Losco seemed very troubled by this, and assured the pair that he would investigate this information to the best of his ability. When the players offered to take him to Dalius the Augur to see for himself, he declined, claiming that he had his own means of finding this information out. The pair then left and returned to their house via Tony's Gondola.

During all of this, Sassa Parizi remained at home, keeping watch on the Memory of Utek. To keep her occupied as she kept watch, Sassa worked on an old hobby of hers: creating cornhusk dolls. Unfortunately, her work became a little too preoccupying, and she became lost in her work for a while. When she finally came back to her senses, she realized that the Elemental Oven the party had placed the Memory of Utek within was crawling with insects, some of which were unnaturally large. When Sassa went to investigate, her will became overpowered by the Memory of Utek, compelling her to open the oven and retrieve the stone. When she opened the oven, the larger insects crawled inside. When they came into contact with the Memory, they immediately perished. However, when Sassa grabbed the stone, she heard a voice in her head: the voice of Utek the Overmind.

Utek asked Sassa who she was, and when she didn't answer, Utek delved deeper into her mind in search of the answers, learning her name, her ancestry, where she came from, and where she currently was. Utek then asked Sassa what knowledge she had to offer in exchange for his secrets; she replied that she wasn't very knowledgeable, despite the "harmful stereotypes" about Owlin. Utek seemingly agreed, and compelled her to leave the house in search of someone with more knowledge.

As Sassa began leaving the house against her will, Munia and Gloria arrived. Munia cast a littany of spells on Sassa Parizi to break her free from the influence of the Memory, successfully ending her enthrallment. The trio moved the Memory of Utek back into their home, and after Dundra and Bartolomeo returned, the whole party searched the house for anything that might help secure the stone; Sassa was successful in finding a lead-lined safe in one of the attic rooms. With directions from Gloria, Bartolomeo ran to Dave Smithy, a local locksmith, to procure a lock. He then asked Smithy to hold on to the key for him, which Smithy did for a price of 1 Silver and 5 Copper. The party then locked the Memory of Utek within the safe, placed the safe on a pile of dirt in the center of a large 2nd-floor bedroom, and grew a woven barrier of Devil's Club around the safe to ward off would-be thieves and enthralled party members.

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

  • Devil's Club exists in the world of Tellandria
  • Gloria Thimble noticed that Mauro di Losco was working on a humanoid Automaton in his office, and that the chest cavity of the Automaton contained a large green Resonance Gem.
  • Sassa has a talent for creating dolls out of corn husks.
  • Sassa only eats eggs in baked goods. She has standards! *It is unclear if this applies to all eggs, or just her own eggs*
Investigation by Igor Kieryluk
Session Date: 
1st September 2024 
Report Date
02 Sep 2024
Three Venerated, 4th/5th Age by Owen Fulton

Cover image: by Owen Fulton