Venerated of Belethyr

The Venerated of Belethyr is a religion/mercenary company that serves the Oretrian God Belethyr. The Venerated believe that Belethyr grants his divine blessings on those who perform great deeds of physical and martial prowess, especially when those are done in service of civilization.


The Venerated of Belethyr trace their history all the way back to the Age of Creation, when the god Belethyr first became a God during The Ascension. According to both Venerated and Oretrian Orthodoxy canon, Belethyr ascended to Godhood after slaying a great beast known as Caduvoll at the summit of Molvan Riis. In Venerated canon, Belethyr delivered the Edict of Glory to his disciples, who became the first Venerated by following the Edict after Belethyr's departure from the Prime Material Plane

The Venerated survived The Unmaking, though many of the most pious fell during the divine conflict, and it has existed ever since. 

Tenets of Faith

Sword and Scales of Belethyr
Sword of Belethyr by Owen Fulton
The core beliefs of the Venerated are found in the Edict of Glory, a religious text created by the first disciples of Belethyr. The core principles are summarized below:
  • Actions are more powerful than words.
  • It is a virtue to seek challenge and hardship.
  • Recklessness and overconfidence invite disaster.
  • Your body is your greatest weapon, and like your blade, it must be honed.
  • It is the duty of the Strong to defend the weak.

The Colors of Belethyr

For as long as the Venerated have existed, they have distinguished themselves from others by wearing bright, colorful, and sometimes flamboyant clothing. This practice originates from Belethyr himself, who was storied to have worn very colorful garments during his mortal life on the Prime Material Plane of Tellandria.

The Trials of Belethyr

A core practice of many sects of the Venerated are the Trials of Belethyr, organized events where Venerated (and occassionally non-Venerated) face physical and martial challenges. The Trials are based on myths about Belethyr's deeds during the Age of Creation before his ascension to Godhood. The execution of the Trials varies wildly between sects. Here are some noteable examples:
  • During the Age of Colonization, a sect of Venerated would occasionally host trials in the Vecos Arena, though these bouts were usually restricted to Venerated only.
  • During the Age of Upheaval, a sect of the Venerated created The Fungeon, a repurposed Iron Regiment garrison into an arena where the Trials could take place. The Fungeon was made even more unique among arenas for the Trials because it used a massive Precursor crystal to create demiplanes where Trials could take place. Trials that took place in The Fungeon were open to non-Venerated, and the Public was encouraged to gamble on the outcome of bouts.


There have been many different sects of the Venerated throughout history, each with its own interpretation of the Edict of Glory:
  • During the Age of Renewal, groups of Venerated hunted down and killed beasts and monstrosities left behind in the wake of The Unmaking.
  • During the Ages of Exploration and Colonization, many Venerated formed large mercenary companies that were hired by various states in Idraz and Kropall.
  • During the Age of Upheaval, some Venerated created The Fungeon in the city of Beacon as a way for members and non-members to engage in the Trials of Belethyr.

I must thank John Shank for providing inspiration for much of the design language of the Venerated of Belethyr with his creation of The Fungeon for his Co-DM'd sessions of the Chapel Valley campaign.
Three Venerated, 4th/5th Age by Owen Fulton
Suggested Classes/Subclasses:
Cleric: War Domain 
Fighter: Battle Master, Champion
Paladin: Oath of Glory
Religious, Organised Religion
Training Level

Cover image: by Owen Fulton