Dawn Session 1 Report

General Summary

The adventuring party met on the Reza Tariq on their way to the city of Ahquet, and chose to travel together for added protection. The party was as follows:

  • Zacarius, an Aasimar Wild Magic Sorcerer
  • Queen Devil, a Tiefling Paladin
  • Kevos, a Triton Druid
  • Erebus, a Changeling Ranger
  • Caspian, an Eladrin Cleric (Trickery Domain)
As the party traveled southwest along the Reza Tariq, they came across a seemingly abandoned camp site. Upon closer inspection, the party discovered that whoever was occupying this camp had been dragged by something into the Bestalnahr River. When Kevos dove into the water to see where they had gone, a Giant Water Spider emerged from its den on the opposite bank and swam to attack.

Chaya played the Giant Water Spider during the encounter, and managed to paralyze both Zacarius and Queen Devil. However, at the end of the third round of combat, Queen Devil dealt the final blow with her whip. 

Kevos, Queen Devil, and Zacarius swam down into the river and into the spider's den to find the inhabitants of the camp that had been taken. Kevos discovered that one of them, the Water Genasi Dimitrios Pepakis, was still alive. Kevos took Dimitrios up to the surface while Queen Devil and Zacarius searched the den, finding two copper rings, a silver gemstone ring, and a strange pan flute. Zacarius used Detect Magic to discover that both the gemstone ring and the panflute were magical 

While Kevos, Queen Devil, and Zacarius explored the den, Erebus and Caspian chopped up the remains of the spider to cook for dinner. During the process, Caspian managed to save some of the spider's paralysis poison in a flask for later use. 

After dinner, Dimitrios eventually came to and shared that he was on route to Ahquet when he and his bodyguards were subdued by the spider. He then asked the party if they would be willing to escort him the rest of the way to Ahquet; the party agreed. 

During the night, Caspian, Queen Devil, and Erebus witnessed the Genesis of Numen, which took the form of a large meteor shower landing somewhere beyond the city of Ahquet to the southwest. 

The party then traveled to Ahquet, and after a relatively uneventful journey, reached the main gates of the city. 

Report Date
24 Sep 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Owen Fulton