Ahquet (Ah-Ket)

Ahquet is a city-state located in the Reza Floodplains of The Cradle of Kropall. It is built at the fork of the Kiernahr River.


Ahquet is primary ruled by a Sovereign  and their Court. The sovereign is restrained somewhat by their court, but ultimately all decision-making power is held by the sovereign themselves. A moderately sized bureaucracy supports the decisions of the Sovereign and handles the day-to-day affairs of Ahquet. 


The city of Ahquet is surrounded by an impressive 30 foot wall made of clay and stone bricks and decorated with beautiful carvings and polychromatic depictions of the gods, former Sovereigns of Ahquet, and recordings of famous battles.

However, as impressive as the walls of Ahquet are, they are not quite as impressive as the two Colossi that stand guard at the front gate of the city, waiting to be called upon by Sovereign Nasir to defend Ahquet. These motionless sentinels offer both comfort and fear to all who look upon them.

In addition, the city of Ahquet has a moderately sized standing army, and previous sovereigns have used their power to mandate military service in times of emergencies and threats to the city.

Industry & Trade

To the south of Ahquet lies a vast network of farmland and irrigation networks that supply the town with not only enough food to feed its population, but also with enough food to trade with other nearby settlements. The harvest of wheat, barley, corn, and other grains has made Ahquet a rich and powerful city-state among the civilizations of The Cradle.


During the peak of Ahquesian influence in The Cradle, Ahquet was sometimes known as the "City of Man," as it was allegedly built mostly without the help of the Gods or their champions. This set it apart from many other cities in The Cradle and other regions of Kropall during the Age of Creation, as many of them had either direct or indirect divine assistance.

Ahquet became a major battleground during The Divinity Crisis, and was mostly destroyed. In the current era, all that remains of the once great city is the remnants of its walls, and the foundation of the Ziggurat of the Sovereign

Alternative Name(s)
City-State of Ahquet, City of Man
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location
Related Reports (Primary)

Cover image: by Owen Fulton