
Eccistianism is a religious organization founded by Eccistiameak Therxora. It is one of only a few religious organizations dedicated to the god Belethyr

Public Agenda

Eccistianism largely follows the tenets of Belethyr, preaching the importance of civil law, order, authority, and honor. Eccistianism is particularly popular among wealthier residents of Chapel Valley due to its insistence on how civil law relates to personal liberty, private wealth, and consequence for all criminal activity, regardless of how petty.


Eccistianism claims to offer private protection in return for tithings and offerings made to Eccistiameak. 


Eccistianism is a relatively new religious order, first appearing in Chapel Valley during Repose of 242 Y.D. 

Religious, Cult
Notable Members

Cover image: by Owen Fulton
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