
Hugh is a Bugbear that formerly lived in the Deadplains Borough. After he was unable to pay his debts to the Tundrentaug Syndicate in Deadplains, he fled across the Good Harvest Plains. The bounty hunters Cards  and Eccistiameak Therxora tracked him down and captured him a few days north of Deadplains along the Eastwalk

While traveling back to Deadplains, Ecci, Cards, and Hugh witnessed the events of Book I, Chapter III, The Dominion and Book II, Chapter I, Leaving Deadplains, and decided to avoid interacting with the large Iron Regiment force waiting for an opportunity to pass through the wildfire and into Deadplains proper. As they trio were heading Southwest toward the Middle Pass, they encountered , Ana , who shared more details on what had happened in Deadplains.  

As the four of them made their way West toward Sorewood, Ecci began the process of converting Hugh to her religion, Eccistianism, hoping to gain Hugh as another Eccistianite for her cause. After several days of travel (and the implicit promise that conversion might save him from being turned in), Hugh embraced Eccistianism, becoming a devout follower of Ecci. 

Upon arriving in Sorewood, Hugh set out to begin spreading the word of Eccistianism in the town.
Current Status
Hanging out in Sorewood, seeking to convert more people to Eccistianism
Light brown, somewhat scruffy
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Owen Fulton