This category contains a list of all NPCs that can be found in the city of Vecos. These NPCs are organized below:

A-Z List of Vecos NPCs

Barilla Crime Family


  • Isolden Mistbristle
  • Ronaldo Spaghettini

Consorza Automa

  • Mauro di Losco

Garzone Family

  • Bruveg dan Garzone

Giomo Family


Hired Muscle

  • Flick
  • Liontios Nicou
  • Squeak
  • Vasco Vilardi


  • Dalius the Augur

Misty Night Inn

  • Luumter Ravozire

Pests in Control

  • Flick
  • Gladys Thimble
  • Gloria Thimble
  • Jerome Thimble
  • Squeak

Rozelli Family

Scalzo Family

Thimble Family

  • Gladys Thimble
  • Gloria Thimble
  • Jerome Thimble

Vaylorian Mardets

  • Yosryn Gimble

Cover image: Grand Canal of Vecos by Giovanni Antonio Canal