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While conflicting in many areas, the oldest recorded Brandobian histories do agree that the Brandobian people reached the continent via the land bridge. A tribe of hunters, they followed herds of sheep and goats westward over the sharp peaks of the Legasa Mountain range and settled in the lush wooded western coastal area. As the tribe began to grow and develop, the Brandobians encountered demihuman races, namely elves and halflings. Except For small groups of unorganized gnolls, humanoids did little to hamper them. With few enemies to challenge them, the Brandobians grew into a mighty civilization whose influence spread along the entire west coast of the mainland.   Demihumans were welcome within the Brandobian tribe and some even commanded high ranks and important offices. The elves instructed the Brandobians in the basics of magic and the halflings showed them advanced farming techniques. The knowledge-hungry humans quickly learned what the demihumans taught and their power grew. Eventually, Brandobian influence reached the Odril Hills and the ores that dwelled there. Many Brandobian exploration parries vanished while scouting the hills and mountains to the north. Then, without warning, vast hordes of ores swept out of the Krond Heights. The humanoid warriors easily vanquished the inexperienced Human armies.   Only the most skilled Brandobian troops, trained in age-old elven fighting techniques and magic, supported by a full legion of Halfling slingers, succeeded in driving off the orcish armies. The Orc raids became a periodic event. Every ten to fifteen years, an army of ores would descend from the mountains. The Brandobians, through training and experience, were soon able to fend off the raids without demihuman assistance.   The elves educated the Brandobians in seamanship and shipbuilding. Soon the humans learned to navigate the open water of the high seas with some expertise. They primarily used single-masted galleys that could be rowed if necessary. With these vessels, Brandobian kings sent off countless ships to conquer, colonize or enslave the nearby islands. Their efforts resulted in the establishment of dozens of colonies. Brandobia drained its colonies of resources and Fast became one of the most powerful empires in ancient Tellene.   The Brandobian army even Fended off the mighty Kalamaran armies of Fulakar the Conqueror when they came across the Legasa Peaks via P'Bapar Pass. Fulakar's Imperial army was an experienced fighting Force composed of veterans of many wars. The ensuing campaign was a bloody one; the armies nearly destroyed one another. At Con iper Gap in the Napalago Hills, the Brandobians made their final stand. The volunteer halfling slingers broke the final Kalamaran cavalry charge that would have surely scattered the remaining Brandobian troops. As a result of the battle, Fulakar was Forced to settle for a draw, holding only P'Bapar Pass rather than all of central Brandobia. The Brandobian King claimed victory and gave little credit to any of their allies.   The Brandobians had come to see themselves as superior to the demihumans and all other "lesser" races. They even credited themselves with teaching the elves magic and the halflings how to grow carrots. Soon only pure-blooded Brandobians held offices of power. The Brandobians persecuted their demihuman neighbors and all foreigners, even non-Brandobian humans.   When the elves had enough of the humans' arrogance, they withdrew into Lendelwood, content to wait For the short-lived humans to die off. The Brandobians were not content with driving the elves into the forest. In an effort to force all elves from the area, they mounted an attack on the Lendelwood. The elves ambushed the humans and easily defeated them in the first major clash.   Humiliated, the bitter Brandobian King threw insults at the elven ruler. The elven king responded with laughter and a magical blessing for fruitful loins. Less than a year later, the queen gave birth to triplet boys. As the princes matured, each felt that he was the rightful heir to the throne. When the king died, all three brothers claimed the crown. The country fell into chaos as the brothers vied for control. The nature of the elven curse finally became apparent; Brandobia tumbled into a bitter civil war. After three years of bloodshed, the brothers ultimately agreed to divide the country into thirds. The strongest brother, Clond Endremin, who had the largest following of commoners, claimed what is now Eldor. The middle son, Avbron Endremin, ruled Mendarn. The weakest brother, Veseln Endremin, held sway over what is now Cosdol. The Lendelwood remained under elven influence, as none of the. brothers was foolish enough to challenge the elves for control of the forest.   Many Brandobian merchants held large financial interests in the various colonies. Most of the merchants had established themselves in Dalen (now the Eldoran capital) and when Brandobia divided, all the colonies pledged their loyalty to Clond. Cosdol and Mendarn remain bitter with this state of affairs and often use everything short of open war to gain advantage with the Brandobian colonies.
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