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Pel Brolenon

Pel Brolenon (population thought to be 375,000) lies nestled between the Yan Elenon and Sliv Elenon mountain ranges. While Brandobians largely account for the country’s population, most citizens can trace their heritage to an elven ancestor. Before ancient Brandobia’s great civil war, a group of half-elves, halflings and sympathetic humans who feared for their “racially impure” lives fled to the lush valley of the Eldrose Forest. The founding fathers of Pel Brolenon believed that through hard work, physical labor and strict order, they would be able create a true communistic society where every citizen was treated and provided for equally.

For the first ten years of its existence, Pel Brolenon was a utopia. Then a scouting party came upon a strange stone temple in the Eldrose Forest. Its doors stood over twenty feet tall and were inscribed with a large rune. The party managed to open the doors, and in doing so, broke the ancient magical seal. Unwittingly, they released the Overlord who had been imprisoned there by other gods millennia before. The deity immediately made followers of the valley people. Pel Brolenon has since become the single largest source of slaves on Tellene.

Brolenese merchants trade slaves to the Meznams for gold and minerals. The Kargi, fast becoming a leading trade partner, offer ivory and rare spices as well as precious metals and gems of all varieties. Buccaneers flourish from the now-active sea trade across the Straits of Svimohzia. Consequently, pirates who enjoy being close to such an active slave market, call many of the nearby islands home.

Secluded within the Eldrose Forest is the capital city of Vrendolen (population unknown), home to the High Priest of the Whip and one of the largest temples on Tellene. The city is a vast collection of stockades filled with slaves and their keepers. From here the Theocrat rules, and plots to vindicate his god for the punishment that the other gods exacted upon him.

On the coast near the Sliv Elenon Mountains lies the city of Dowond-Brandel. The largest city in Pel Brolenon, Dowond-Brandel hosts the active slave markets. Her streets are populated with humanoids, cutthroats and drunken pirates. Within Dowond Harbor there is room for over a hundred vessels to anchor, safe from the tempests of the Straits of Svimohzia - and Mendarn frigates.

The country is rumored to have an army of less than 3,000.

However, as the Theocracy is only easily accessible from the sea, it has a sizable navy. Pel Brolenese warships are small and fast. In an encounter, they race up to their opponents to quickly board. It is said that even the most desperate of pirates will not attack a slaver’s ship.

Founding Date
I.R. 229
Alternative Name(s)
Theocracy of Pel Prolenon
Location under