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Forest gnomes appear servile and fawning with others. They are not really sycophants, but constant flattery and self-deprecation are part of their culture. They are almost obsessive about cleanliness, and they dislike dirt and disorder in their homes. Forest gnomes place great importance on appearance and image.   Strangers often think that this attitude means that Gnomes are weak and easy to exploit. In fact, attempting to abuse forest gnomes can be lethal. While a gnome might readily admit when she is defeated (and claim that luck was on her side when victorious), she fights fiercely and skillfully in defense of home, family or virtue. Forest gnomes are taller than rock gnomes, with bushy eyebrows and beards, wiry frames and easygoing personalities. Their skin varies from that of a lightly tanned Kalamaran to the deep brown of a teak side table. Their eyes have earthy colors, and their hair ranges from sandy blonde to auburn to chestnut. Clothes range from untanned hides to embroidered satin robes, depending on the gnome’s wealth. Regardless of the clothing, it is likely to be neat and in good repair.   Forest gnomes live in the Fautee Forest, the Rokk Woods, the Kalasali Woods and other woods. The Raiser, the Peacemaker, Caregiver, the Liberator, the Eye Opener and the Bear all have followings. The Liberator is the most popular, and a large number of forest gnomes join or aid the Brotherhood of the Broken Chain. Among evil forest gnomes, the Vicelord and the Confuser of Ways are prominent. In any case, large temples are rare, since forest gnomes prefer informal worship at a household shrine to bustling congregations.   Forest gnomes use the standard Gnome abilities, except for the following:   See Kalamar Player’s Guide for info.


Playing a forest gnome is slightly different than playing a rock gnome. Forest gnomes go less for pranks, but are renowned as sycophants, self-depreciative, and masters of the spoken word.   A player character forest gnome should go out of his way to praise other characters’ deeds and endeavors without making it sound like he wants something in return. Flattery does not mean that you are brownnosing, simply commenting on a deed well done. This praise must also be sincere; forest gnomes do not praise failure with sarcasm! Saying, “Well, didn’t you do well!” in a sarcastic tone is not forest gnome-like. Rather, say something like, “A most unfortuitous swing! If he hadn’t slipped, you would have had him!”   In return, remember not to accept praise. Yes, heroes like to boast, but forest gnomes do not. You may have just single-handedly slaughtered ten orcs, but it was more likely due to their suffering from some illness that reduced their effectiveness in battle than your sheer brilliance with the blade. Fellow players may start ignoring your feats after a few weeks of this behavior, but do not let them. Just because you put it all down to luck (or some other factor beyond your control), this does not mean that they should not praise you. Once they start dropping the praise, start using very subtle barbs to mock their own not-so-great deeds.   Forest gnomes are masters of subtle insults. Any lout can call someone a few choice names, but a true insult should go almost unnoticed (the art is in making the victim realize he has been insulted after you have left). Telling a noble that you think his beloved daughter is “uglier than a cow’s ass” is not polite and certainly not subtle. Much better to say, “Her dress certainly improves her appearance,” or, “Isn’t it amazing what makeup can do to a woman’s appearance?” Both are insults, but are less likely to get you thrown in the dungeons, at least immediately anyway.
Ability Scores
Int +2; Dex +1
25 ft.
Most are expected to settle down into an adult life by around age 40.
Gnomes are between 3 and 4 feet tall and average about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Gnome Cunning
You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
You can speak, read, and write Common and Gnomish.
Natural Illusionist
You know the minor illusion cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.
Speak with Small Beasts
Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts. Forest gnomes love animals and often keep squirrels, badgers, rabbits, moles, woodpeckers, and other creatures as beloved pets.