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Hall of Oaths

“Lying is an evil that is simple to avoid. Most people will be honest, given the chance, and we Keepers of the Word simply try to serve as a good example. To lie is to tarnish and dishonor oneself, and those with such dishonor must be punished."


NAME(S): SPHERES OF INFLUENCE: The Speaker of the Word is the god of honor, oath, and general ethics.
ALIGNMENT: Lawful good. APPEARANCE: The Lord on High appears as a knight in shimmering platemail, or a tall thin being dressed in red and silver robes with a book in one hand.


NAME: Keepers of the Word.
WORSHIP: Temples to the Speaker of the Word exist almost exclusively in cities, and Keepers of the Word who live in that city visit the temple every day at dawn. Whether in the temple or not, clerics of the Irreproachable One kneel down every day at dawn, pledging an oath to the Lord on High to bring honor to him, the Hall of Oaths, and other Keepers of the Word.
Keepers of the Word believe in regular services with full attendance. They ask worshippers to promise to attend the next week’s services and sternly denounce the evil of unfulfilled promises. Fortunately, services are short, featuring a catchy chant, a simple oath that is easily met and a review of oaths made since the previous service.
HOLY SYMBOL: An open book.
: Clerics must gather on the eve of each new moon (Veshemo) with other worshippers for an entire day of prayer and celebration, wherein they make offerings of one or more silver coins each according to their wealth.
Since the occasion lasts all day long, the services include several breaks for meals and tend to be a bit informal. Adventuring clerics of the Honorable One may be granted special permission to miss these monthly gatherings, provided they return at the next opportunity with either a new worshiper or a substantial monetary gift to the church.
HOLY COLORS: Red and silver. HOLY ANIMAL: The lion is the holy animal of Keepers of the Word, and those who harm such a beast are said to commit blasphemy. RAIMENT: Among the clergy, formality is of the utmost importance. Keepers of the Word are almost never seen unattired in their ceremonial robes, and the higher-ranking clerics often have expensive, custom-made robes with elaborate needlework created for them. ADVANCEMENT: Advancement within the Hall of Oaths is based on seniority, but may also be gained by performing a particularly honorable deed or by fulfilling an important oath. Servants or higher-ranking clerics who can cast zone of truth, detect thoughts and discern lies can cast those spells without a divine focus. An Esquire’s stipend increases to 250 gp per month. A Grand Esquire’s second follower is a paladin or monk (DM’s choice). Special Requirements: Keepers of the Word are prohibited from ever telling a lie. Violating this prohibition results in the inability to advance in further rank until the Keeper receives the benefit of an atonement spell. SACRIFICES: Each time the moon of Veshemo grows full, Keepers of the Word sacrifice silver coins to their deity. A Keeper must sacrifice at least a number of silver coins equal to 10 x his cleric level. MAJOR TEMPLES: Important centers of worship for Keepers of the Word can be found in Dalen, Premolen, Bet Kalamar, Rosaleta, Sobeteta, Bet Dodera, Aroroleta, and Gaketa. The temples of the Hall of Oaths often feature large rectangular halls, with the cleric presiding over services appearing in a small balcony about 10-20 feet above the worshippers at one end of the hall. The hall slopes gently, lowering as it approaches the balcony, making it even easier for the worshippers in the rear to see and hear. The ceiling is high, with a pointed roof. Cathedrals are larger in all dimensions, with the cleric’s platform rising ever higher. They usually feature additional entrances along the sides of the hall to facilitate traffic. The wall from which the cleric’s platform protrudes usually displays an enormous fresco of images from the faith’s history. Svowmahni’s cathedral is the ancestral holy seat of the faith. Its best-known feature is its library, in which three dozen clerics and scribes work to make copies of The Word and other liturgical and legal works. The cathedral’s grounds include housing for all of the libraries workers. Hilano Wheshan Aziri ascended to the post in 561 IR, only two years ago. His hold is still tenuous as he has not made many changes among the senior clergy and his predecessor was a wise and powerful cleric. While influential among the followers and the citizens of Svowmahni, Aziri barely commands the respect of the majority of his high priests. They think him too young (he is not even 40 yet) and too inexperienced.


Adventures: Keepers of the Word go to extreme lengths to make sure that their word, once given, is not broken. If an unforeseen event causes them to undertake epic quests, they endeavor with all their might to see that no obstacle prevents them from keeping the promise, no matter how dire the threat or minor the reward. Characteristics: Keepers of the Word must exercise great Wisdom in their comments. They regard even a stray comment as an oath, and major promises are meant to be inviolate. In order to keep from promising the impossible, they must be deliberate and insightful. The Keepers of the Word do not attack opponents from the rear because they believe doing so to be dishonorable. Background: Keepers of the Word might be inspired to join the faith because they have been hurt by dishonesty or mistrust. They join the ranks of the Keepers of the Word initially to prove their merit, and eventually they accept more and more of the faith’s dogma. Races: Dwarves are prominent Keepers of the Word, as are gray elves, humans, hobgoblins, half-hobgoblins and halflings. The other races, while individuals may be able to keep their word, do not have equal reputations within the faith. Relations With Other Classes: Keepers of the Word deal with any individual that demonstrates trustworthiness and honesty. Paladins, whose ideals are well known, are instant friends, while rogues have to work hard to earn their trust. Relations With Undead: Clerics must destroy undead, and those that associate with them, at all costs. Animating, creating, or otherwise associating with undead may bring excommunication from the church. The faith allows for little flexibility with this rule. Role: In society, Keepers of the Word serve as witnesses to documents, contracts, marriages and other agreements between people. In this capacity, they might act as auditors, reviewing a merchant’s documents for evidence of fraud or embezzlement.


Weapon and Armor: The Keepers of the Word do not use missile weapons because they believe it weakens their faith in the Honorable One. Clerics must make an effort to wear the best possible armor that they can afford, and go to great pains to keep their armor in excellent repair.
A cleric who uses a non-bludgeoning weapon, a missile weapon, or intentionally lets his armor fall into poor repair is unable to cast cleric spells or use any supernatural or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter.
Domains: As believers in the rightness of truth and honesty, Keepers of the Word may choose from the Ethics (PGttSL), Good, Knowledge, Law, and Strength (PHB) domains.
Divine Focus
: The divine focus for Keepers of the Word is a holy prayer book entitled “The Word.”
Spells Restored
: Keepers of the Word have their divine spells restored at dawn.
Spiritual Mace
: In addition to being the favored weapon of the Speaker of the Word, Keepers of the Word receive a force replica mace when they cast the divine spell spiritual weapon.
LG- Speaker of the Word
Domaines: honor, oaths, ethics
Clergé: Keepers of the Word
Église: The Hall of Oaths
Canon: The Word
Religious, Organised Religion
“You honor me with your goodness.”
“I give you my word.”
“Do good and avoid evil.”
“One is only as good as his word.”
“My word is my bond.”
“Death before dishonor.”
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
A greeting: “You honor my presence.”
A farewell: “May honor go with you.”


“The law is just because it understands the value of truth, and so do the followers of the BlindOne.”


“Worthy people; their honesty makes them useful in the search for evil." “They value glory above all else. I just wish they were not so violent.”


“Every community is based on a foundation of trust, and these fine people show us how to build that foundation.” “A solid foundation is very important. Truth is the mortar for the Founder’s bricks of law.”

Articles under Hall of Oaths