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Halls of the Valiant

An outsider’s view

“Servants of the Swift Sword are quite helpful to have around, for they feel it is their duty to help the innocent, to slay monsters and to lift up the downtrodden. However, their obsession with valor and honor can be somewhat annoying. They scrutinize every action of those around them, and tend to make everyone nervous. However, they do travel often, and rarely bother any single group of people for long.”

A practitioner’s view

“We do the jobs that no one else wants to do. We right the wrongs, defend the weak and help the needy. There is no injustice too small to avoid my wrath, no monster too horrible to escape my sword, and no evil too small to evade my everwatchful eye. I am all that stands between you and the darkness.”
  SYMBOL: Golden eye on a blue/white diamond pattern   HOLY SYMBOL: A cloth bearing the above symbol   HOLY DAYS: Spring and fall equinox     COLORS: Blue, gold, white   ANIMAL: White stallion   APPEARANCE: The Swift Sword appears as a muscular, goldeneyed being with long, wavy, white hair streaked with gold. Clad in blue clothing with gold, full plate armor he wields either a greatsword (Valiant) or a lance (Evil Slayer).   CHURCH: Halls of the Valiant   CLERGY: Servants of the Swift Sword   RAIMENT: The Servants of the Swift Sword wear simple robes, dyed in the holy colors according to their rank in the church. It is very common for Servants to wear either ceremonial or actual weapons at their belt, as well as their visible holy symbol.   SACRIFICE & FREQUENCY: The symbols or weapons of defeated foes, immediately after battle   ADVANCEMENT: Advancement within the church is gained by confronting, combating and destroying evil.   CLERICS: The Servants of the Swift Sword are people of valor. They embody all that is good and just and are in the vanguard of combating evil everywhere. Personal bravery and good deeds direct their activities. They will neither use missile weapons nor attack opponents from the rear because these practices may call their personal bravery into question.   There are three missions that a cleric of the Swift Sword must undertake during his lifetime. These are: (1) a mission from the Swift Sword; (2) a mission for the Halls of the Valiant; and (3) a mission of Searching. Missions from the Swift Sword or the church vary and clerics perform them as needed. Clerics on a mission of Searching spend at least four years traveling the lands. The clerics aid those in need, and combat evil whenever they find it. Glory in combat, gained by defeating powerful monsters, is of utmost importance.   Servants of the Swift Sword are well known for their acts of chivalry and kindness. The Servants of the Swift Sword often shelter orphans and their acts of valor are the source of many a bard’s tale. In one such tale, a cleric of the Swift Sword confronted an evil dragon that had swallowed all the children of a nearby village. The dragon, unimpressed with the cleric, let out a mighty roar. The cleric leaped into the dragon’s mouth, made his way to the belly of the beast and cut it open to free the children.   A traveler may encounter clerics of the Swift Sword rescuing pilgrims from bands of brigands, defending a lady’s honor, or combating a black knight. They also join groups of adventurers intent on slaying evil creatures.  


The Courts of Justice, the Hall of Oaths, the Temple of the Three Strengths, the Church of Everlasting Hope, the Assembly of Light  


The Impostors, the House of Knives, the Temple of Sleepless Nights  


Kindness is its own reward. – A coward dies 1,000 times, a brave man only once. – Evil turns on itself while good helps itself. – A good hand is a helping hand.



Temples and altars are usually in cities, towns or villages. Important centers of worship for the Servants of the Swift Sword can be found in Crandolen, Bet Kalamar, Bet Urala, Bet Dodera, Kaleta, Baneta and Gaketa.

Many temples of this faith are like miniature fortresses. The goal is to make even the meanest and most common worshipper feel like nobility. The temple’s windows are arrow slits. Temples usually have a gated wall and an area dedicated to a moat, which the followers might excavate in time of need. The temples always have a stable attached. If possible, their followers breed and train warhorses. Temples often have a kennel with a pack of hunting dogs.


The symbols or weapons of defeated foes, immediately after battle


The Servants of the Swift Sword are people of valor. They embody all that is good and just and are in the vanguard of combating evil everywhere. Personal bravery and good deeds direct their activities. They will neither use missile weapons nor attack opponents from the rear because these practices may call their personal bravery into question. There are three missions that a cleric of the Swift Sword must undertake during his lifetime. These are: (1) a mission from the Swift Sword; (2) a mission for the Halls of the Valiant; and (3) a mission of Searching. Missions from the Swift Sword or the church vary and clerics perform them as needed. Clerics on a mission of Searching spend at least four years traveling the lands. Without question, the clerics aid those in need, and combat evil whenever they find it. Glory in combat, gained by defeating powerful monsters, is of utmost importance. Clerics of the Knight of the Gods are well known for their acts of chivalry and kindness. The Servants of the Swift Sword often shelter orphans and their acts of valor are the source of many a bard's tale. In one such tale, a cleric of the Valiant confronted an evil dragon that had swallowed all the children of a nearby village. The dragon, unimpressed with the cleric, let out a mighty roar. The cleric leaped into the dragon's mouth, made his way to the belly of the beast and cur it open to free the children. A traveler may encounter clerics of the Champion of Tellene rescuing pilgrims from bands of brigands, defending a lady's honor, or combating a black knight. They also join groups of adventurers intent on slaying evil creatures,
  • LG- Knight of the Gods
  • chivalry, valor
  • Servants of the Swift Sword
  • Halls of the Valiant
  • To Serve
Religious, Holy Order
Notable Members
  • “Kindness is its own reward.”
  • “A coward dies 1,000 times, a brave man only once.”
  • “Evil turns on itself while good helps itself.”
  • “A good hand is a helping hand.”


“Worthy people; their honesty makes them useful in the search for evil." “They value glory above all else. I just wish they were not so violent.”


“Everyone needs hope. Evil tries to take it from you, and they help bring it back.”


“Anyone who makes it their business to fight and destroy undead is a friend of mine.”


“A good group, but somewhat light on the punishment. They need to be more swift with their swords of justice’.”


“Strength and power and purity of soul… If only they would fight more often.”

“Sneaky, conniving, and dangerous adversaries.”


“Spreading terror is not only evil, but foolish. Why, it is simple for us to undo their foul works – we merely arrive and the peoples' confidence is restored.”


“They are the very epitome of why evil still lurks in this world. If they can be found, they should be destroyed.”

Articles under Halls of the Valiant