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Hobgoblin, Kors

Because of their close relationship with the Kalamaran Empire, and their subservient role in said relationship, the Kors have had to develop a modified understanding of the traditional hobgoblin values. While every action a Kargi takes shows his strength in some way, the Kors allow for one to plan and bide his time, preparing for eventual dominance. They understand that they need Kabori in many ways, but they have learned to rationalize their inferior position by convincing themselves they are preparing for the removal of the Kalamarans. This has split the Kors into two camps, each with a different way of thinking



The Kors trace their lineage back to the original hobgoblins who left the Island of Svimohzia for the main continent. As such, they bear many similarities to the Kargi as far as physical appearance is concerned. Their skin color is generally darker than the Kargi and ranges from a light brown to a light maroon, with a clay red-orange color being the most common. They have the same common hobgoblin build, with long arms and muscular bodies. They are both quick and tough, and make excellent warriors.   The Kors are the hairiest of the hobgoblin subraces. They have large amounts of body hair, which resembles animal fur more than anything else. It ranges in color from a light gray to black, but is most often some shade of brown. Their facial hair runs the length of their lower jaw to their chin, and is very bushy and long. The Kors are proud of their hair, and rarely do they cut or trim it. This gives the Kors a more barbaric look, which often has them confused with the uncivilized hobgoblin tribes of the area.   The Kors faces resemble the Kargi most of all. Like all hobgoblins, they have a pronounced chin that expands outward from the upper part of the head. They have two impressive rows of teeth, and like all hobgoblins, have two tusks that appear above the lips. Kors’ eyes are set back into their head, and function up to sixty feet in total darkness. They come in all colors, but most are dark browns and reds. The Kors are famous for their intimidating eyes, and many Kors warriors have learned to frighten their opponents with only a look.   The Kors have deep, guttural voices, and their language reflects this. They tend to growl when they speak, and often interject grunts, hisses, and other noises in between words. Physically they are capable of many different pitches, from low to high, but they generally prefer to speak with low tones. They are very adept at speaking other low, guttural languages, like orcish, dwarven, and others, and with time can speak these languages without an accent. Other languages do not give them physical problems, but the Kors do feel uncomfortable talking in a high or smooth voice and thus avoid languages like Reanaarian, Halfling, or elven.   The Kors females are just as hairy, if not hairier, than their male counterparts. Unlike the males, though, they braid or groom their hair according to convenience or fashion, depending on the social position of the female. They average the same height as the male Kors, but weigh less. Their muscles are also positioned differently to aid with childbearing and birth. Female Kors speak in a higher tone of voice than males, and their voice is also less raspy, though the average listener might not notice the difference.   Kors Sil-karg inherit the toughness of their hobgoblin parent (+2 to Constitution), and can withstand, on average, more punishment than their Human peers can. However, they also inherit their hobgoblin parent’s limited intellect (- 2 to Intelligence), which makes it harder for them to pursue the more cerebral career paths. Of all the subraces, the most Kors sil-karg are the result of non-violent relationships, as most of the Kors possess Kalamaran citizenship, and have a slightly more amicable relationship with the humans of that nation. Still, the vast majority is the result of violence, and as such, the majority has male hobgoblin parents. Kors sil-karg vary greatly in appearance, but they all have a great deal of hair on their faces, body and head. Even the most human looking ones are hairy.


Because of their close relationship with the Kalamaran Empire, and their subservient role in said relationship, the Kors have had to develop a modified understanding of the traditional hobgoblin values. While every action a Kargi takes shows his strength in some way, the Kors allow for one to plan and bide his time, preparing for eventual dominance. They understand that they need Kabori in many ways, but they have learned to rationalize their inferior position by convincing themselves they are preparing for the removal of the Kalamarans. This has split the Kors into two camps, each with a different way of thinking.


The majority of the Kors believe in accepting what Kabori has done for them, and participating in their agreement for the purpose of corrupting the system from the inside. Both ways of thinking are aiming for the eventual domination of Kabori and his empire, and most of the Kors believe the way to do this is within the system. They believe that the Kors are not in a position to oppose the Kalamarans yet, but after Kabori has built up their villages and trained their soldiers, they will strike when and where he least expects it. This general acceptance of their inferior position has lead to a change in many of the basic tenets of hobgoblin thinking.


Not all of the Kors accept the Kalamaran rule. A vocal minority of the population, generally described as hardliners or traditionalists, does not believe that a subservient position is at all acceptable, even if it pays dividends in the form of capital improvements. They believe that accepting this arrangement with Kabori is the equivalent of accepting defeat. Since the Kors place a great deal of importance on winning and competition, the traditionalists see this as betraying their hobgoblin heritage.   The hard-liners define honor as staying true to one’s heritage. In this way, honor often becomes the only solace for these Kors. Since they are in the minority and the mainstream Kors often consider them seditious or rebellious, they rarely hold positions of power. To assuage their egos, they take pride in maintaining their rebellious spirit and acting in ways that they believe are more fitting for hobgoblins. This often means resorting to guerrilla attacks or terrorist acts.

Social Structure

The Kors base their society on a tribal system, with a chieftain at the top, but they have injected the Kalamaran feudal system. The result is a unique and sometimes ill fitting blend of the two societies. Since the Kors have added the Kalamaran system themselves and have an incomplete understanding of it, even the feudal aspects have a hobgoblin interpretation to them.   The Kors do not have their own nation; they are part of the Kalamaran Empire, and they live in scattered tribes throughout the P’Tikor hills. Occasionally tribes form alliances with each other for the purposes of trade or military action, but the tribes remain autonomous groups. Some tribes even war with each other, but Emperor Kabori does his best to keep this at a minimum. Although the Kalamarans prefer a “hands off” approach to governing the Kors, they are subjects of the emperor, and under his control. The Kalamarans take a keen interest in any attempt by the tribes to organize themselves together, and do their best to prevent any such actions from taking place.   The Kors consider their women the property of their husbands or fathers. The Kors train them as soldiers and they fight in wars, but they can never hold any position of authority. Peasant women usually do the same work as their husband, or care for the family’s children and house. Noble women care for the children, but do not do any work themselves.   Kors sil-karg are generally treated as any other member of society. Because of the large presence the Kalamarans have in Kors life, there are generally more sil-karg around. Additionally, the sil-karg are extremely useful for any interaction with the Kalamarans, as the humans trust them more than a full-blooded hobgoblin. Sil-karg can even become a kolmarg or ergazh, though this is uncommon.
Ability Scores
Con +2
30 ft.
Hobgoblins mature at the same rate as humans and have lifespans similar in length to theirs.
Your size is Medium.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Raised to Adapt
You can take an extra feat at character creation.
You can speak, read, and write Tikor and Kalamaran.
Languages spoken
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