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Livre 1, Chapitre 1, Page 1: Gathering the dead

The Dead Prince will need allies to reach his objectives, he cannot hope to accomplish them alone. Shyta-Thybaj is not the best place to recruit them, but it will have to do.

Plot points/Scenes

  1. Pre-game cinematic
  2. Introduction Darja
  3. Introduction Ash
  4. Introduction Anarvis & Raknarun
  5. Introduction Mukli



by Midjourney
A small, non descript temple room with some sunlight shining through the drapes, The room has a pungent smell of herbs and balms trying to ward off the impending death, the room is small and oppressive with only a small window with drapes letting a few sun rays come in.   An old man, clearly a wizard passed his age is attending a dying elf, the elf has clear fey heritage but that is overshadowed by the fact that each breath lets some purple ooze slip through his lips. In the back of the room, an half-elf is tending a dying kalamaran woman who has barely any breath left to her. He whispers a few words to her ear, she closes her eyes and exales her last breath through a slight smile.   They mourn their fallen friends for a day, but they can't stop for long and the need to set out to find new people to help them carry on.


Kafen needs to find new partners to help him reach his goals.  


He's decided to start anew his journey from his parent's home in Shyta-Thybaj, with his newfound wisdom and knowledge he is bound to find something he can concretely put in application. After only a day, he received a dream from the Coddler showing him an half-elf and his councillor walking the streets of Shyta-Thybaj, the vision then brought him to an island so big it went beyond the horizon and then the vision shifted again to a great war.



Coming in to see the state of the town and assist one of his childhood friends funeral, a female gnome named Urafa. She was a good person who was very vocal and not affraid to stand up to her beliefs. He saw an half-elf he had never seen with Urafa at her mourn. Coming to the Tavern he saw the half-elf sitting at a table in the back, he was sitting with an young cleric and an old scribe.



Has been tasked by his patron to accompany an half-elf and his old bodyguard in Shyta-Thybaj, they must not know he's been tasked by his patron to do this.



Fought a short while in the Kalamaran arenas as a gladiator, he's been offered a place in the blooded by a noble gladiator, this offer made him cautious and he instead chose to leave to find some more culture.


Raknarun & Anarvis

They have met on the boat leaving from Kalamar towards Reanaaria Bay, Raknarun found being with a Svimohz somewhat comforting because it reminded him of home. A vague mention of danger was enough to get him onboard and willing to follow Anarvis. Anarvis found being with the minotaur somewhat surprising and refreshing as he spoke Svimohzish and enlightening since he had read a great many books in the past.



She's been on the run since her last stay in Bet Bireli, she's runing east using any way she can to escape the killer tracking her. He's been hired by someone she's delt with in the past, but who and why ?. When she came in the current town, she heard about a pit northeast of the city where there was a giant skeleton at the bottom. She was promised half of the value that she'd find down there

Rising Action

Magical contract that binds them to Kafen Endremin through a Gaeas, they get advanced payment of 1500gp since they cannot back out of serviture for a year. (Dead Company Contract)


The local thieves guild has been hired to clean out Kafen's pockets so he can't easily escape.


The group exits the city and begins allong their long walk east toward Ardarr-Norr through the Rokk Woods, Vrykarr Mountains or the plains north of the woods.
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