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Livre 1, Chapitre 1: Undisputed Attitude

Leaving from Shyta-Thybaj in Thybaj, the company walks toward Ardarr-Norr, Skarrna in northern Reanaaria Bay to eventually reach Zoa

Plot points/Scenes

Part 1: Shyta-Thybaj in the plains

The initial gathering of new recruits will take place in Shyta-Thybaj after having lost the initial adventurers helping Kafen flee from Bet Rogala.

When entering service, Gramar will explain to them that they will receive a compensation of 1000 gold for 1 year of service which will be enforced through magic. Should a suicidal command be received, the spell will end. The written contract will trigger the spell and prevent your resistance. The command which will be imparted magically is:

Protect and obey Kafen until the end of this contract.

Part 2: Leaving Shyta-Thybaj

In the plains north of Shyta-Thybaj

  • Toliig of the Big Four (Very wounded)
  • 1d8 giant goats hunted by 1d8 worgs
  • Nearing Thyreth

  • Encounters A pile of droppings from a very large bird
  • Thyreth

  • Personnal: Tragedy of the Gnome Druidess
  • Part 3: In the Rokk Woods

    Multiple events will happen through the forest:

    1. The party hears a faint panflute in the woods nearby. If they investigate, a satyr is seen playing around a campfire with his two friends. The saytr welcomes the group to sit with them and rest. If the invitation is accepted, the group gets to drink honey flavored ale and eat cooked fish and fruits with the three woodland beings until morning. When the party wakes up, the saytr and his friends are completely gone.
    2. 2d4 orcs
    3. As the party is walking along the forest path, pick one of your players at random. This player randomly spots a small ring of red mushrooms off the beaten path. If they destroy the mushrooms or disturb them, they wither and die within a few minutes. If they leave an item of worth in the center of the ring, they will wake up the next day with a bag of gems sitting next to them.
    4. 1d6 carcasses that are dried up in a camp site, 3d6 stirges will fly down from the canopee to drain the new targets.
    5. The party stumbles across a commotion in front of a small hut. A beautiful innocent looking young woman is gagged and tied to a post, a group of villagers claim she is a witch and are preparing a pyre to burn her. The woman is indeed a Green Hag, Vicious Tina Darkknee (Tina Genousfoncés la vicieuse), but she will try to put on a good show for the players to get them to help her escape. If she is released, she'll escape cackling how her sister Smelly Vicky Scalecackle (Vicky Glousseécaille la puante) will laugh at their stupidity.
    6. A mother Bear is teaching her baby how to fish in a stream. They are not hostile towards the party unless attacked (or someone gets between the baby and the momma). They don't flee but keep their distance.

    Part 4: Leaving the Rokk Woods

    1. A Change of Plans
    2. 1 Ahnkeg

    Part 5: Arrival in Ardarr-Norr

    The Dead Company needs to find their bearings when they arrive in Ardarr-Norr. Following that, they also need to decide if they will travel on land or with a boat, will they split a few on the boat and a few on land ?


    Part 6: Trip to Zoa

    By land

    They are attacked by giants a few times during the trip:

    1. Ogres
    2. Ettins
    3. Trolls

    By the bay

    A swarm of crows

    A swarm of crows attacks the Crow's nest and will not leave it unless forced to disband.

    The real owner of the ship has sent the navy to get his ship back, the current captain will not let go of his ship and attacks the navy ship, after defeat they are escorted to Zoa. If they win, the boat will go to Loona instead of Zoa since it's expected by the navy there.

    Elvena's Blade.

    8 Pirate Swashbucklers sneak up on board during the night and try to take the ship.

    Round 1

    The sneaks approach the transport boat and climb the side. The crow's nest has a Wisdom (Perception) check to spot the incoming boat, DC 1d20+4 . Mukli's blade wakes her up.

    Round 2-4

    The sneaks try to take out the crow's nest and anyone who's awake on the deck.

    Round 4-5

    They start attacking the still sleeping players. 2 Sea trolls who were following the sneaks skiff climb aboard to eat them. Chaos and free-for-all ensues.

    Helvena's Scythe attack on Stolen Ship

    Setup: The day following the failed attack by the sneaks. The players are on a transport ship, sailing towards their destination. Suddenly, a pirate ship appears on the horizon and starts sailing towards them. As the pirate ship gets closer, the players notice that the pirates are heavily armed and clearly mean business. The transport ship's crew immediately starts to panic, realizing that they're about to be attacked. However, as the pirates board the transport ship, the players learn that their ship is actually a stolen ship, and the pirates are here to take it back.

    Objective: The players must defend the transport ship and defeat the pirate attackers. They can choose to either kill or capture the pirates, depending on their preferred play style.

  • Pirate Captain, Helvena (CR 9)
  • First-mate Hrungar (CR 5)
  • 3 Pirate Swashbucklers (CR 2 each)
  • 5 Pirate Crew Members (CR 1/2 each)
  • Terrain: The transport ship is a medium-sized vessel, with a deck that has several raised areas and obstacles, such as barrels, crates, and ropes. The pirate ship is larger and more heavily armed, with several cannons and a larger crew.

    First-mate Hrungar

    AC 14, HP 65 (10d8+20), Speed 30 ft. STR 16, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 18 Skills: Athletics +5, Deception +7, Insight +4, Intimidation +7, Perception +4, Performance +9, Persuasion +9 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Languages: Common, Orc Special Abilities: Bardic Inspiration (d6), Cutting Words (d6), Countercharm, Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest (1d8), Expertise (Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion), College of Swords features Actions: Longsword (+5, 1d8+3), Shortbow (+5, 1d6+2), Bard spells (4 cantrips, 4 1st-level, 3 2nd-level) Equipment: Longsword, Shortbow with 20 arrows, studded leather armor, dagger, lute, 50 gp

    Round 1

    The pirate ship pulls alongside the transport ship, and the pirates board the deck. The players roll for initiative and can take their actions in any order.

    Round 2-4

    The pirate captain and swashbucklers engage the players in melee combat, using their cutlasses and pistols. The pirate crew members try to board the transport ship and capture any crew members they encounter.

    Round 5-6

    The pirate captain orders his crew to start firing the cannons, causing chaos on the transport ship's deck. The players must avoid being hit by cannonballs or risk taking significant damage.

    Round 7-9

    The pirate swashbucklers are defeated, and the pirate captain orders his crew to retreat back to their ship. The players can either chase the pirates onto their ship or try to negotiate a peaceful resolution. Rewards: The players can loot the pirate ship for treasure and equipment, as well as potentially capturing the pirate captain for a bounty. The transport ship's crew may also offer the players a reward for saving their ship.

    The Navy comes in.

    Setup: The players are onboard a stolen ship, sailing towards Zoa as passengers. However, a navy frigate, led by Captain Indigo, has been dispatched to bring back the stolen ship and arrest the crew. As the frigate approaches, the players must decide whether to surrender or try to fight off the navy and make a run for it.

    Objective: The players must defend the stolen ship and defeat the navy frigate. They can choose to either kill or capture the navy crew, depending on their preferred play style. Alternatively, they can try to negotiate a peaceful resolution and avoid a fight altogether.

    Turn by turn strategy:

    Round 1

    The navy frigate approaches the stolen ship, firing warning shots to signal their intent to board. The players can choose to either surrender or prepare for battle.

    Round 2-4

    The navy frigate launches boarding parties onto the stolen ship's deck, engaging the players in melee combat. The players must fend off the navy crew while trying to avoid causing too much damage to the stolen ship.

    Round 5-6

    Captain Indigo and his first mate board the stolen ship, wielding swords and pistols. They target the players and try to capture them alive.

    Round 7-9

    The players have the option to either continue fighting the navy crew or negotiate a peaceful resolution. Depending on their actions, the encounter can end in several ways:

  • If the players defeat Captain Indigo and his crew, they can loot the frigate and continue sailing towards Zoa on the stolen ship.
  • If the players surrender, they can be taken into custody and brought to Zoa to face trial.
  • If the players negotiate a peaceful resolution, they can return the stolen ship and potentially avoid any consequences.
  • Enemies
  • Captain Indigo (CR 7): A gnome Fighter and the leader of the navy frigate's crew. Captain Indigo is a skilled swordsman and marksman, with high HP and damage output.
  • Bulgrom, First Officer (CR 6): A dwarf Fighter and Captain Indigo's second-in-command. The First Mate is an authority with the crew.
  • 10 Navy Sailors (CR 2 each): The navy frigate's crew, armed with swords and pistols. They are trained in naval combat and work together to overwhelm the players.
  • Arrival at Zoa

    As the stolen ship approaches the bustling port city of Zoa, the players spot the Zoa navy waiting for them just outside the harbor. They can see the navy ship's cannons trained on them, and they know that any attempt to outrun or outgun the navy would be futile. As they slow the ship to a stop, a messenger rowboat approaches and hails them.

    "You there! This is the Zoa navy. Surrender your vessel and prepare to be boarded. You are suspected of piracy and theft. Resistance will be met with force."

    The players have a choice: surrender peacefully and face justice in Zoa, or try to fight their way out of this tight spot. Whatever they decide, they know that their journey is far from over, and that greater challenges and rewards await them in the free city of Zoa.

