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Deep Gnomes are very rarely seen by others, for they live hidden within the many caverns and lairs beneath Tellene’s surface. As with elves and dark elves, deep gnomes are shunned by their aboveground relatives. Deep gnomes are as sullen, withdrawn and suspicious as the other gnomes tell. Deep gnomes are an antisocial, warlike race. They live in isolated cities where they war with other races for domination of the underground world. While deep gnomes are slightly more benign than their foes, they are often just as quick to judge–and destroy–outsiders who venture into their realms. The rare and reclusive mythar have muscular forearms, hairy bodies and thick, powerful hands. Their skin is steel gray to flat obsidian in color, and their eyes range from maroon to mahogany to jet.

The largest cities of the deep gnomes are underneath the Jorakk Mountains, where forest gnome legends talk of the grand cities of bustling Melkevia, the crystalline towers of Azurtal and the labyrinthine streets of Chadoka. Deep gnomes generally worship a single patron deity chosen by the ruler of their city. The idea of free Religion is strange to them. The Liberator, the Old Man, the Speaker of the Word and Queen Destiny are all worshiped in one city or another. A few cultural dissenters might worship any of the gods. Of those, Hatemonger, the Watcher and the True are the most popular. Few deep gnomes have even heard of the Traveler, Ablutor, the Great Huntress, or the Storm Lord.



Dour, sullen, withdrawn, distrusting, and aggressive; sounds like a recipe for intra-party friction. Not necessarily. A deep gnome will spend the first few days or weeks watching his new companions, judging what they capable of, sizing up their personalities, and generally keeping to himself. Until he has made up his own mind, any approaches toward friendship by his companions are likely to be met with a frosty reception. When he is satisfied that he has found out all he needs to know, the deep gnome will place his companions into one of two categories, friend or not-friend (which is different than enemy).   Having a distrusting character in the party can be beneficial if it is played well. So the high priest has asked you to retrieve some evil book so he can lock it away. Is that his only reason for getting hold of the tome? Why did the merchant knock 20% off the price of that ring so quickly? Do not confuse distrusting with paranoid. Not everyone is out to rob, kill, or swindle you, and not every NPC is at the heart of a conspiracy. Deep gnomes are distrusting because they are used to having to compete for resources, not because everyone is out to get them. To a deep gnome, there truly is no such thing as a free lunch.   Having religious choice is also unknown to deep gnomes. A deep gnome character is not going to start burning down rival temples, but he may question his companions as to why people have this choice. Which brings us onto another vital aspect of the deep gnome psyche when adventuring above ground – everything is new. Query everything, ask what common aboveground objects are (such as trees) and question their purpose, why they are the color they are, where they came from. Ask why it rains, what those lights in the roof are. Remember not to be totally annoying, though. This is not a game of 20 questions; it is supposed to be a learning experience for your character.   You can also be humorous in your approach. When you first see a dog, kneel down and bark back at it (you have no idea what the creature is), threaten to kill the howling cat before it finishes casting its spell, fall to your knees when it thunders in case the roof collapses. Again, avoid becoming annoying and everyone should enjoy the experience.   Deep gnomes also prefer the direct approach. You do not parley with the orcs in the ruined temple; you go in there and kill them. You do not negotiate with bandits extorting food from a village; you kill them so there is no competition for resources. Aggression and a war-like disposition do not equal stupidity. Deep gnomes are used
See D&D 5e Deep Gnome character rules
Deep gnomes are short-lived for gnomes. They mature at the same rate humans do and are considered full-grown adults by 25.
Unlike other gnomes, svirfneblin tend to weigh 80 to 120 pounds. Your size is Small.
You can speak, read, and write Merchant's Tongue, Gnomish, and Undercommon.
Diverged ethnicities