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Four concentric walls circle the city, protecting the Brolenese inside from the unpleasantness that lives within the outer walls. People in Dowond-Brandel refer to those of lesser social status as “fourth wallers” or “third wallers” and take pride in their physical position in the city.

Hobgoblins, pirates, and common street thugs thrive in the outer circles. Guardposts along each wall keep the unwanted out and the slaves inside. Chaos reigns among the last wall, and even mounted patrols use caution lest they tread where they are unwelcome. The anarchy stands in polar contrast to the sterility and peace of the palace grounds inside the innermost wall.


A mammoth temple of the Overlord stands just inside the city gates, forcing traffic to go around it. The temple and the surrounding city answers to Pandren Folnester, Grand Mistress of the Whip and unparalleled tyrant. Turnover among her senior clerics is very high, since she expects nothing less than perfection and absolute loyalty from her immediate juniors. Pandren speaks quietly, and her frail body is hardly imposing, but the weak-willed find it hard to argue with the unswerving loyalty of her bodyguard of six ogres and the impressive power of her spells.

The temple is a stone building with skull bas-reliefs inside and out. Manacles dangle from the walls, and a massive iron fist 16 feet tall stands behind the main altar to remind the often unwilling service attendees where the power lies in Dowond-Brandel.


Dolothar the Knighted is a former champion of Kalamar who was taken in a raid in the Elos Bay. After rowing the galleys of Pel Brolenon for six years, he finally found a chance to free himself when the slaver ship attempted to take a Meznamishii sambuc. Dolothar waited until the right moment and a couple of flame arrows later, he was the undisputed master of both vessels.

Seeing a chance to fare better in Pel Brolenon than in Kalamar (where he surely would not be trusted), he returned to Dowond-Brandel leading the two ships. He gave the sambuc to the Overlord (its crew was given as sacrifice) and sold the other ship.

Granden Solir, known as the Ringmaker, is a master of magical lore concerning magical rings, although he studies other trinkets such as necklaces, bracelets, and torcs as well. He is a fine jeweler and makes magnificent gold rings. His greatest ambition is to be able to one day craft a magical ring of unequaled power.


The underside of Dowond-Brandel is terrifying. Angry slaves, not content to flee, kidnap the children of their former owners and use them to extort gold or promises of freedom. The children do not always survive the conflicts.

The wholesale slaughter of a person’s slaves is akin to raiding another man’s barn and torching a pile of hay in other nations. Ambitious clerics encourage their sons or servants to engage in these practices in a low-scale civil war between rivals. Midnight raiders leave behind abattoirs where slave quarters once stood. The offended slave owners heave a sigh of exasperation and rise early the next morning to be the first to the auction. The more macabre among them animate the dead slaves and continue to use them.


21,100 citizens and about 65,000 slaves. The citizens are Brandobian and include humanoids of all races. The slaves represent every race and culture on Tellene.


As a theocracy, a Cleric obviously rules Dowond-Brandel. Freed of any religious or ceremonial duties, the cleric devotes her entire energies to ruling the city. Her major concerns are the city’s safety, the operation of the port, and younger clerics trying to usurp her position. Grand Mistress of the Whip Yulan Velsin rivals goddesses in her beauty and devils in her evil. Besides being the prime candidate for the principal position in her faith when that seat becomes open, she has a large number of military officers, guards, and slave merchants who obey her slightest whim. They are loyal to her gold, her magic, or her irresistible smile.

The Golden Alliance has a large palace inside the city, from which it operates a sizable percentage of its interests. Only three levels rise above the city, while at least a dozen extend into the earth below. Gem Munvaln Edarn leads the association’s activities in Dowond-Brandel and is the titular controller for all of Brandobia and western Svimohzia as well, although his authority on the local level is often strained. Edarn’s brutality is legendary, and his staff is terrified of him.

Until one can argue with the coven of hags allied to him or overcome his ring of vanishment, however, his leadership is secure. Edarn’s counsel carries great weight with Yulan because he hears news about everything of importance faster than most messengers can travel (thanks to his network of spies).


Over 600 soldiers clad in scale or plate armor guard the city. Their barracks sit against the auction block, a reminder of the penalty for desertion as well as a convenience. The armories are tightly locked and even legitimate soldiers sometimes have difficulty procuring a weapon from the paranoid guards who must account for all weapons. The guards are paid slightly higher than in other nations, but their greatest incentive is that they may own slaves and travel freely, although income precludes the former and insufficient free time restricts the latter.

Industry & Trade

Dowond-Brandel generates huge revenues for the Theocracy. The slave market brings pirates looking for rowers or sailors, nobles looking for household or pleasure slaves, landowners looking for farmers, and humanoids in search of substitutes for whatever job they hold within their tribe. The market is open every day of the year, regardless of weather, holiday, or even natural disaster.

Points of interest

The Golden Alliance’s palace is a mystery to all slaves and most citizens as well. Foreign traders, members of the Golden Alliance, and alien races such as duergar have been seen going inside. They do not always exit, and rumor says that the place has underground exits all over the city (these rumors are true, but the ones that say passageways run to the temple and Yulan’s palace are not).
Large city
Location under