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At a Glance

A spiral wooden wall encircles the crowded and rank loghouses of this Fhokki city. An odor comes from the constant tanning in the city's common area, which serves as both work area and market. The wall has a single entrance that stands open at night, only closing in case of attack. The gate is thick and freezes over seasonally, so it might not close the next time it is needed.  


The Way of the Berserk, the Parish of Love, the Church of the Silver Mist, the Thunderer's Temple, the Order of the Passionate One, and the Church of Everlasting Hope. The most vocal and visible cleric is the Brandobian, Srin Nortord, of the Order of the Passionate One. Stin is a great braggart and has a fondness for splashing about in the frigid waters of the Jorakk River late at night (usually after services, when he is quite inebriated).  

Mages & Sages

Rejel is younger brother to Sturr, and the two have nor spoken to each other For six years. Rejel married Agis, whom Sturr had courted at one time. Agis left Sturr because he drank too much, and their breakup was both very public and awkward. Rejel studies fire and lightning spells and prides himself on his original applications of these old standbys.   Few other wizards brave this frontier city. The Sentinels of the True Way, although not as prevalent as in other cities, still intimidates wizards into practicing in seclusion. Several adepts who do not wish to attract attention to themselves use their magic to aid in the execution of whatever craft or skill they use to earn a living.


Pickpockets ail the market, stealing silver and gold when they can. Those who can bear the cold paddle out to passing boats on the Jorakk at night. lifting small items as the rafts float down river toward Narr-Rytarr. The boisterous Fhokki ger into frequent and bloody fights as well, which visitors find disconcerting. Penalties for fighting are light, but if a person inflicts permanent harm, the law takes a harsher stance. The law is also forgiving of crimes committed while intoxicated, which makes excessive drinking a common excuse for crimes.


Fhokki duke named Aggdar rules from retirement, allowing his pliant son Limed to bear the responsibilities of daily duties. Urred refuses to believe that his father has any influence on him, although he rarely goes against his father's wishes. Recently, Urred has been secretly meeting with an old crone who worships the Fate Scribe and falsely claims to be a member of the Prophets. Trarr is currently on the brink of war with Gothmerr over an insult From Gothmerr's lord, Count Tharnak.   Tharnak had agreed years ago that his son Egrek would marry Aggdar's oldest daughter, Tavve. A week before the wedding, Egrek snuck out in the middle of the night ro marry a household slave. Tharnak shrugged off Aggdar's outrage at the affront, claiming "Egrek makes his own decisions. Your brat should try it one day." The flame of war smolders, but for now hostilities are limited to harsh words between traveling merchants and landowners near the border between the two cities.


Trarr depends on 120 large and strong men in chainmail with axes and greatswords for defense. They swear loyalty to Sturr, an energetic man who lost his right arm in his first battle, 15 years ago. Sturr carries his greatsword in a single thick paw now, hammering away at his enemies with unmatched vigor.   Realizing that even the powerful warriors were no match for a mobile force on horseback, Sturr reached an agreement with a mercenary band known as the Silver Soldiers. They number 30 light infantry (leather armor, throwing axe, and light flail), 45 archers (leather armor, longbow, and dagger), and three wizards. The wizards each specialize in a different area: one in offense, one in defense and another in divination and communication. These soldiers answer to Ratak, a somewhat greedy leader who has yet to face a serious challenge.

Industry & Trade

Trarr relies on river trade from the Jorakk to bring goods from warmer climates. Lamp oil, pitch (for sealing log homes), barley, millet and vinegar are welcome goods, but wheat is always the best product For merchants to bring. The citizens of Trarr can't get enough wheat.   Sturdy buffalo skins make excellent leather products, including armor, saddles for the Drhokkeran horses, and backing for heavier armors. Workers also make sheaths, helmets, and other martial gear for sale, keeping mundane items for local use. HaImak the Thrice-Risen has acquired a modest reputation as a leatherworker along the Jorakk River; he makes masrerwork items for soldiers and adventurers on demand.

Points of interest

The Parish of Love once operated a separate hospital in conjunction with the Church of Everlasting Hope. The two clerics assigned to it detested each other. After a particularly fierce blizzard trapped them in the hospital with two dozen sick and injured patients, their animosity became violent and erupted into a battle with divine magic. Four bystanders died in their spells' effects, and the faiths closed the hospital. Neither priest survived his punishment. The hospital is abandoned and houses thousands of bats. Recent rumors place a vampire there as well.
Large town
5,500 Fhokki
Location under

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