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Drhokker (estimated population one million) is not actually a nation, but rather a loose confederation of towns and villages sworn to a pact of mutual protection and economic gain. The towns and larger villages occupy the northern stretches of the Jendasha and Jorakk Rivers, but smaller villages exist throughout the outlying areas.   The Lands of Drhokker cover the vast area of plains from the Rokk Woods to the northern tip of the Narrajy Forest, and From the southern edge of the Rytarr Woods to Lake Adesh. However, the Lands' actual borders are in constant dispute. This is because Drhokker's military power is concentrated along the Jendasha and Jorakk rivers. Thybaj claims the southern portions of the two rivers and Skarrna claims much of the Rokk Woods and the southeastern plains.   Fhokki tribesmen settled Drhokker by pushing all but one of the previous occupants, Dejy tribes, to the east and south. The Drhokkers allowed only the Dejy horse clans to remain. Tired of fighting, they permitted the peaceful Dejy clansmen to graze their horses on the Fhokki land. The Drhokkers began to settle the fertile land as farmers and herders. With the plenitude offish in the mighty Jorakk and Jendasha rivers, fishing villages began to appear along the banks.   Narr-Rytarr merchants began sending their goods and raw materials up the Jendasha to trade with Thybajy merchants for textiles and precious metals. As a result, the Drhokker fishing villages along the trade route quickly grew into larger villages and towns. Many villages were little more than a collection of warehouses and marketplaces where people came to trade. The townspeople became the middlemen and soon charged fees for use of the river, docks and warehouses.   The fees varied from town to town as each one competed for the passing business. The competition grew fierce. Saboteurs destroyed docks and wharves of their rivals to lessen competition. The destruction escalated into razing of entire villages.   In an effort to end the madness, a mayor of one small town, Brottar Tharokken, suggested that all the towns set a standard price for services and facilities. Most of the towns' leaders agreed and united under a treaty, the Pact of Tharokken. The land was finally at peace and the people prospered greatly. That is, until the Wars of Discord.   While the Dejy horse clans wintered near the Narrajy Forest, the Minions of Misfortune attacked From within a blizzard. The Minions drove back the vastly outnumbered horsemen. Many clans were annihilated entirely. Those that survived retreated CO the Jorakk and sought alliance and refuge with the Drhokker. The Pact members agreed to offer shelter in return for a share of the clansmen's jealously guarded mounts and the services of the most skilled Dejy warriors. The Minions besieged the river towns For two months by calling down blizzards and driving rain. Finally, with the aid of Skarrna, Thybaj and demi-humans from the Vrykarrs, the Drhokker defeated the Minions and drove them back into the Khydoban Desert.   Today, as a result of their alliance with the Dejy horsemen, Drhokker, with the exception of the horse clans themselves, has the finest cavalry on Tame. Drhokker ranchers now sell and trade these horses to their neighbors. Before each sale, the selling merchant will neuter the horse, thus allowing Drhokker to remain Tellene's sole source of heavy war-horses. OF course, the Drhokkeran plains are home to wild horses of all types and sizes. But those must be caught and broken, a near-impossible chore, indeed.   A variety of races and religions make their homes in the Lands of Drhokker. On rare occasions one will encounter a dwarven caravan From the Vrykarrs, but demi-humans are not very prevalent. The Temple of Stars, the Face of the Free, the Thunderer's Temple, Temple of the Patient Arrow, the Order of Life and the Church of the Life's Fire are among the favorites oF this diverse population. The Way of the Berserk and the Temple of Sleepless Nights also have a sizable number of worshippers within Drhokker.   Drhokker has no one leader and the Pact of Tharokken remains in force. The Lands of Drhokker also have no standing army. But the land is not undefended, for, after approval by the Council of the Pact, Drhokker can muster approximately 6,200 cavalry and 1,500 hobilar.
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