Epic3: Command and Control

The rooms in this part of the dugout community are dedicated to monitoring not only critical ventilation systems, but prisoners and fodder as well. But, the ventilation systems keeping the Galbrok Tamarinds alive in the cavern below the canyon are finicky, to say the least, keeping the staff in the forward rooms very busy indeed.

Purpose / Function

This is a forward, and highly secret, first step toward colonization of the Rhegev Desert, and then Pax.


Built using solid rock and plasmic materials from their home on the smaller of the moons, Luna, this part of the complex is set up to monitor atmospheric feedback from a number of sources. It has very recently has a series of disection and vivisection labs installed, as the thri-kreen discover more and more how much energy is housed within a specifically human body.


It is reached through an elevator in the central mesa structure of the canyon, or through matching time dilation portals.

Sensory & Appearance

Much of this room was engineered to increase sensory input. Visual acuity seems very important, and multi-angle close-up views of distant objects revolve slowly in multiple displays located around the room. Every spot in and around the compound is visually covered from here, in multiple wavelengths. Sneaking up on the compound is virtually impossible, as even insects and wind-blown detritus are captured and tracked automatically, with the data being shared from this location to the weapons arrays. Wheeling birds of prey and scavengers alike attract the attention of the improbably sensitive system.


The thri-kreen of this canyon are part of the Lunan Hive, which is trying to expand onto Tellus in a bid for the current queen to stay alive far longer than she normally would.

Contents & Furnishings

Most of the furnishings and accoutrements that are in use have been manufactured here on Tellus, as weight constraints during the flight from Luna to Tellus are a very real concern. However, the equipment and furnishings in the Command and Control Center and the Weapons Systems bunker are all tech quite literally stolen from the moon. The Thri-Kreen are gifted at getting the ancient tech back online and working, but only to a certain degree.


There are two Time Dilators set up in an antechamber, which will shrink down to the size of a pocketwatch and can be worn upon the wrist. It takes quite a power source to charge them up, however, and will only work once between charges.
The Time Dilators can manipulate spacetime, essentially setting up a wormhole between two places, people, or things. They are very powerful, and any character that takes them will be winding up on the receiving end of a whole side campaign about them. The Time Dilators are why the Travellers have suddenly started coming around again; the Cult of Shayna is trying (so far unsuccessfully) to get their hands on a working Time Dilator in order to go back to the time of the Dragon Shrines and warn V'peef about The God Punchers, possibly changing the outcome of the Battle of Craysilt.

Hazards & Traps

This room is set up more as a control center for the hazards and traps, than it is an actually trapped and hazardous room itself.

Iconography Table

Special Properties

There are several different ways to view the situation outside of the building complex from here, in three dimensions and at great detail.


It is quite new; there has yet to be a need for alterations.


Dug out of the solid rock and dirt of the desert underneath the glass of Glaine Cuan, this warren of tunnels and rooms has been added around an existing Galbrok Tamarind cavern.


While the staff at most of these places are scientists, they are guarded and served by a host of thri-kreen Glass Hunters; a company of powerful monks.


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