The Lunan Hive

Thri-Kreen are a very rare type of people, in that they do not have what one would, or could, call "free will". They live at the behest of their queens, and ultimately, the Queen of queens. Traditionally, only the females of the species are given names.   This "high queen", Kich'rin, communicates telepathically with any one, any number of, or her entire hive, telepathically. Thri-kreen communicate this way as a general rule, unless they are using a vocal decoder strapped to their throax.   Kich'rin has encountered a problem, in that there is no more room for the growth of her hive, so has decided to colonize Tellus. This makes way for a new queen to rise on Tellus, and she will not have to lose her life to suicide, which is how she would abdicate in favor of the younger, more vital, queen-to-be.

Demography and Population


Southeastern hemisphere of Luna, the smaller of the two moons.

Foreign Relations

War and conquest.


  • Epic3: Canyon Run
  • Epic 3: Queen's Lair
Exotic, Gestalt Consciousness
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
The division of the smaller moon, Luna, into geopolitical groupings, has been drawn amongs racial lines between the Thri-Kreen and the Orcs. The lesser known peoples living there have been shunted one way or another, but one thing is clear; the Mind Flayer scourge has been ended once and for all.
Whatever the queen says.
Legislative Body
The queens.
Judicial Body
The queens.
Executive Body
The queens.
Neighboring Nations
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