Epic3: Defensive Armaments

This complex of rooms is used for experimentation and archival storage. Several dissection labs, as well as two vivisection labs, speak to the thri-kreens' newfound obsession with necromancy and item enchantment.   The Command and Control center is surrounded by mutliple displays and interactive windows, with visual instructions for certain functions mapped out on a chart on the wall...including the override sequence for the weapons systems.   The check to figure out the iconography correctly starts at 25, and decreases by 2 with each round the party is investigating the alien script. Read the following aloud, if you wish.
An uninterrupted view of three sides before you is suddenly eclipsed by the fact that you can see everything around the entire complex in exquisite detail, as the windows flash images across them like a magician's illusion across a pane of glass.

Purpose / Function

These rooms are primarily used for automated weapons control, and extra laboratory space for "special projects".


The Defensive Armaments positions take up the forward portion of the acid-delved cave system herein, using tech cannibalized from the smaller of the two moons, Luna, which the thri-kreen are invading from.


The warren of tunnels is entered from either within a vehicle bay, or through a foot tunnel and two hundred stairs that ascend from the floor of the canyon. It is easy enough to find the Defensive Armaments positions once one has entered the complex; the route is well displayed on the walls in general iconography.

Sensory & Appearance

The interactive windows of the room can zoom in on and display any object or creature within a thousand feet of the canyon, and from any angle, or using any electromagnetic wavelength. It makes targeting easier, most definitely.


There will be a special forces team here to defend the scientists working in the vivisection and disection labs. It will break off to defend the weapons chamber when they figure out what any interlopers are up to.

Contents & Furnishings

This room is sparsely furnished; just the targeting consoles, six of them, and a main console that can slave the others and control all of the weapons (it is the main autotargeting computer and etc.). There are three dimensional viewing ports, targeting aids, and it's nicely air conditioned.


Within the library there are several scrolls and potions. Roll once for each person in the party on Table B, below.

Treasure Table B

Mostly uncommon items, with some cool random objects thrown in there for good measure.

Hazards & Traps

While rolling to decipher the iconography of the control room, no matter what the characters roll, they will feel as if they have gotten the right sequence. Generating the wrong sequence will cause the entire room to go offline, as described in the following table.


These rooms are new enough that alterations have yet to be needed.


The rooms have been acid-excavated, as have the rest of the rooms in the canyon complex, except for the glass-like windows of the weapons control systems. These windows are interactive, able to focus on any object or creature within a mile of the canyon, at any angle and at any magnification.


These rooms are guarded by a team of thri-kreen special-forces, comprised of a glass hunter, a juggernaught, and an arcanist; as well as 2d4 Thri-Kreen.


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