The Throne of the Thri-kreen Queen

The final aspect of The Tchamut's assault plan upon the Thri-Kreen invaders is an assault directly upon their queen, while the hive is busy defending itself in the canyon.   The Tchamut will lead one group of characters to the entrance of the throne room.

Purpose / Function

This room is a prison to keep the newest queen born to The Lunan Hive a prisoner, and off of the moon, where she could be a threat to the rule, and the life, of the old queen, Kha'chki.   The imprisoned queen, Kich'rin Mir'anda, has gone quite mad between the drugs and forced solitude. Yet still, she is no threat to the powerful party. It is the genetically engineered clone guarding the throne room that the players need fear.   A nearly 12' tall version of the new queen, engineered and trained to fight multiple intruders, sits upon the throne in the main room. She is in possession of several magical items, but is also more of a "puppet" than anything. She is not only doing the bidding of the old queen, she is an avatar, or even a vessel, of Kha'chki, the old queen. Kha'chki possesses the clone, and controls its body like some parasitic brain worm from afar.   In essence; it is the mind of Kha'chki, the old queen, in the cloned and genetically engineered body of Kich'rin Mir'anda, the new queen.
Kha'chki, the old queen, will do her best to keep the players talking, to try to glean as much information as she can from them, and to try to get into melee range before any spells are cast. She is a Mage Slayer, and has two reactions, so will try to capitalize on her strengths...Charisma being one of those strengths.   Once she gets close enough, she will immediately try for a surpsise attack.


The room was delved with acid, but has been coated entirely in CO2 ice. The ice is potentially damaging if bare skin is exposed to it, doing 1d4 points of damage each round after the first.


There is only one entryway; a stair that gets icier and icier the further one descends toward the throne room.

Sensory & Appearance

It is very quiet, down there in the throne room, and very cold, with geometric patterns etched deep into the everlasting rime coating everything down there. Mists and wisps of breath will be common, but any noises will seem brazen and out of place.


Only queen Kich'rin Mir'anda lives down there. She is relegated to that place by the old queen of the The Lunan Hive.

Contents & Furnishings

The only furnishing down here is a thron situated before an arch the presumably leads to the queens private chambers.


The current queen has etched soothing geometric patterns into the ice of the walls, ceilings, and floors.


The rooms and hallways were first delved using acid, then coated with a dry ice rime to keep the queen's specific physiology.


It is the perfect temperature to dull the new queen's senses and dampen her native abilities. Once the Clone Queen has been defeated, the real Queen Kich'rin Mir'anda will seem like a soft boiled egg. She speaks slowly and disjointedly, sometimes totally nonsensically.

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