
The holy relic, bestowed upon us by mighty and unchangeable Ichick himself, grants unto the wearer protection from his detractors. No longer shall he fear the hidden daggers of treacherous friends, or the unseen arrows of his vile enemies. Poison words, dripping with honey, will no longer hold any sway over him, nor the charms of the Deceptor Queens. False idols shall come never before Ichick, nor Osses, nor the Ossessian. Praise be to Ichick, the father of Lizardfolk. Glory be to Osses, Lady of the Swamps. Power be to the Ossessian, that he may shephard us faithfully. All praise to The Ichik'ryu.
-Excerpt from the Book of Ichick'ryu
Their holy relic, a total fabrication dating back a mere two hundred years, is a stole, or scarf, that is said to bring the wearer protection and wisdom. This is, of course, complete nonsense, as it is nothing more than a four-by-four piece of rough spun hemp woven into a square of cloth, with stylized lizards and amphibions depicted all over it. It is surreptitiously replaced every time their Ossessian is.
-Excerpt from Gnormand Gnedson's sophomore history project

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It is woven from rough spun hemp fibers; but it is still a masterfully created garment. The patterns are all designed into the fabric, not painted on afterwards, and every knot is tied off and terminated perfectly. However, there is no magic to this piece of cloth, holy or otherwise. It is simply a well-made stole.

Manufacturing process

While there is no magic to this garment, the time and effort that went into making it is eminently apparent. Each knot was made by hand; each pattern was made from memory. It is an impressive stole. However; magical, it is not.


The first one was created by an Ossessian who named himself Ichick'Moü. He then fully fabricated and propagated the story that he had found an ancient relic, one of Kal'Ichik's own personal possessions; a scarf, or stole, that had been worn on high holy days and during ceremonies. It was Ichick'Moü who inserted the item into readings and historical lectures.


It has become legend, lore, and sacrosanct fact that this was Kal'Ichik's own, personal, scarf or stole, to the Ichik'ryu.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Creation Date
Prill 7, 5288NG
There is only one at a time, replaced with a replica when it wears out with use and time.
11 oz.
4' x 4'
Raw materials & Components
It is made of rough-spun hemp threads, woven together on a hand strung loom.
It was woven on a hand-strung loom made of rattan. The shuttle was a conveniently shaped rock.


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