Richie the Beat

The young Singer star is taking Pax by storm!

by David Fricke
for Magic Stone Magazine
Fedus, 5475NG, Volume 312

Hailing from the prolific musicality of the Singers tribes of the Rhegev Desert, Richie B. Ethans grew up travelling the desert and southern Pax in a Connie, with his parents, three siblings, and fourteen other caravans full of cousins and ken close to hand. He was raised by the entire tribe, as is the Singer way, and took to drums as an instrument young in his life.

"There's just something about a goatskin stretched over a log that appeals to me, I guess," laughed Richie one night during a break between sets at The Gilded Goose. "Something about them just makes sense to me."

And make sense it must, as the talented percussionist has been packing taverns from the City of Feynor all the way out to Stilton Head.

It's certainly gratifying, if a little intimidating, to have all of these people know my face and name," Richie said during the same interview. "I never took a class at school dealing with fame and adoration!"

He is talking, of course, about the world famous Bardic College Campus in Greynor's Primordial Valley, which he graduated from in 5422NG with a degree in Musical Arrangement and Composition.

Richie the Beat will be playing at a tavern near you sometime soon! See his agents in every major city to find out when next this rock of ages rolls through town! You'll be glad you did.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Richie is in great shape; he gets in a lot of cardio...

Body Features

Richie is tall and slim, although he does have a bit of a beer belly. His legs are long for his torso, so when he stands he can surprise some people with his six-foot-eight physique; a thing that has stood him in good standing time and time again.

Facial Features

Richie sports a full beard, "as only the most handsome men can do," as he says. His hair and beard are graying, now, but they were, at one time, a dark red mane framing his aquiline face.

Identifying Characteristics

He has a tattoo of a heart on his left bicep that says "mom" inside of it.

Physical quirks

Richie cannot help himself; he drums with his fingers on anything that will make a percussive sound. It is a subconscious thing; he is totally unaware of it unless someone brings it up.

Special abilities

Richie can find the beat in any repetitive series of noises. He is also an accredited Golden Gloves boxer.

Apparel & Accessories

Richie the Beat has a defnitive style about him that always shines through into his fashion choices. Flowers are an accessory and adornment for the man, as well as decorative skulls and dancing bears.

Specialized Equipment

Richie the Beat has a drum made from a branch of the Mother Tree, in Birkwud

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up amongst the Singers is an idyllic position to be in. The peoples of the Singer tribes are accepting, open minded, educated, and tough-willed. Most of them are pacifists, though not all, and some are even termed "Blade Priests", or Tchamut. Richie's mother, Althea, was a Blade Priest who was killed in the fight against the Devil Dragon, Shayna, in 5428NG.

Gender Identity

Richie is the epitome of the "horny bard" trope, although he is much classier about it than many people would expect a player of such prolific accomplishment to be.


Richie truly does not care if one is a woman, a man, or a dragonborn with fairy wings; he is attracted to smarts. To use a technical term, Richie is a Sapiosexual.


Richie has a Master's degree in Musical Arrangement and Composition, from the most famous school in the entire world (according to themselves), The Bardic College Campus.


Richie is a self employed travelling musician, roaming around the country with his wife and children, playing at a different tavern or camp each night. He plays two hundred plus gigs a year.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Richie is a polyrhythmic genius; some would even call him a savant, although personally, he hates it when people do. But the fact of the matter is, he can play a different rhythmic pattern with each extremity, simultaneously.

Mental Trauma

His mother's death was very hard on little Richie, who started acting out and getting belligerent after it happened. The Singers took him under their collective wings, helping him work through it throughout his tumultuous youth.

Intellectual Characteristics

Richie is the best improviser this side of Birkwud, and that mental flexibility is apparent in his every action and reaction. His quips and comebacks are genuinely funny, and he is laid back enough to able to laugh at himself.

That being said, Richie truly is a mathematical savant, but he tries very hard to disguise this fact with dirty jokes and mentally agile discussion pivots. It was impossible to keep from his professors at school, but he swore them all to silence after he graduated and started becoming famous, always saying he would rather be known for his music, than for his math.

Current Status
Touring Pax with his band, the Comet Busters
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
The Road, baby
dark blue with laugh lines
Red (gray)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
white skinned human
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Druidic, Gnomish, Draconic, Lizardfolk, and Dwarfish are all known to Richie, conversationally. He can read just about any language, however, given enough time.
Explore Some Lore
Organization | Sep 17, 2023

Eat, drink, and make love to your heart's content! Come! Let us revel!

The Tchamut
Organization | Jul 1, 2024

A monastic order of "Bladepriests"

Vehicle | Apr 12, 2021
The Bardic College Campus
Settlement | Jul 2, 2024

The ancient and storied university of Pax

The Gilded Goose
Building / Landmark | Apr 1, 2024

"Did that red-headed kid just steal my borscht?"

The Impenetrable Forest of Birkwud
Geographic Location | May 18, 2023

Character Portrait image: Richie the Beat


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