The Bardic College Fund

Every single day, another illiterate child is born, somewhere on Tellus. It is as incontrovertible as the sun rising in the morning, or the changing of the ever-marching seasons. And while it is true that child has a fair shot at life in Pax, and in all likelihood a decent shot at surviving and thriving, everyone wants a better life for their children than they had themselves.

There is no better way to do this than to send them off to that world famous bastion of higher learning, The Bardic College Campus. There, they can learn not only their mathematics and literacy skills, but educate themselves about themselves. It is a time of great flux in a young person's life.

But let's face it; college is expensive. It can cost as much to receive a good education as it would to build your first house, and many families never get to that point, let alone setting aside what may seem like exorbitant fees for a good education. So, what options are the discerning parents or guardians to consider?

One of the better available scholarship programs is through the Bardic College Fund; and while easy to qualify for and receive, there is a certain amount of actual work involved. The student will need to demonstrate ongoing willingness to perform good works throughout their communities. Food kitchens, medicine banks, elder care and medical transportation are all innovations originally implemented in Greynor, where the Bardic College Campus is located.

More than seventy percent of scholarship recipients go on to start, or continue, charitable works once they graduate; and that all started while they were still students at the Bardic College Campus. The Odd Fellows, even The Siblings of the White Cross, all have their roots with the Bardic College Fund. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today! Through your good works, you can gain a great education!

It's only one weekend per month (except during finals), and a two week commitment per year, so why procrastinate? Sign up now!


There are offices and notaries for the organization at every bank in Pax.


"The Fund" truly means nothing but the best. There have been discrepencies over the years of course; any organization is made up of people, after all, and people bring chaos and discord wherever they gather.

Yet, they can also bring great love and charity, made all the more powerful with many hands providing the work. Over the years, The Bardic College Fund has proven out its philanthropic mission as very real and serious.

Public Agenda

"The Fund's" public agenda is quite simple; spread good works through the judicious use of money. They believe that incentivizing the youth to do community service pays the entire community, and therefore the entire nation, with a tangible societal benefit.


The Fund owns two of the buildings on the Bardic College Campus, and many of the lots and buildings in the city surrounding the quaint learning facilities. They own stakes in transportation companies, gold and silver mines, and royal business endeavors. They rival, in size and geopolitical prowess, the bardic College itself.

Demography and Population

The Fund is one of the few organizations in Pax that does not care about one's race, creed, or color, insofar as doing good works. They care not about wealth or background; doing the actual work is the only thing that will get one into the group in good standing.


The Fund is largely a Paxian organization, although there are branches in Taisha at Port Kalimahari and Cannat Glaine. Many of the roaming tribes of Singers boast a large percentage of bardic College graduates, and Bardic College Fund beneficiaries.
The desert and jungle lands of the continent of Taisha.


The Fund has no military, although there is a fraud investigation and special police investigative service available for when con-men try to get their slippery fingers into The Fund's bank account.


There is no set religion necessary for the scholarship, or any future memberships, the Fund may facilitate for the students and graduates.

Foreign Relations

The group has sometimes been accused in meddling in geopolitics. While this is true, it is only factual to a point. The Fund has members in every strata of society, and those that try to stop wars and conquest are often called out as traitors, or subversive personalities.


They obey all of the laws of the place that a chapter meets. If a chapter were to meet in Cotnor City, for example, they would abide by all laws and statutes therein.

Agriculture & Industry

Owning several large production farms, as well as cattle and horse ranches, the Fund is surprisingly intertwined with Paxian agrriculture. They also own a stake in much of the shipping industry, outright owning two small shipyards and owning shares in many others, including the Headship Nautical Construction Company, the executives of which are all graduates of the College, and recipients of the College Fund.


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