The Bartholomew Protocol Document in Tellus | World Anvil

The Bartholomew Protocol


During the scourge of The Weeping Phage, some few Very Smart People were able to avoid, and fight back against, the terrible affliction. In the end, they were ridiculed and abased, and in one case tarred and feathered, for following the reccomendations of one man who, infuriatingly enough for the entire medical community, turned out to have been right all along.


To lay out the proper method of caring for oneself, while caring for the sick.

Document Structure


The protocols are a simple list of instructions, laid out in plain language that is easy for an overworked healthcare worker to read as they run by between patients.


This document was written for front-line medical workers in the war against the The Weeping Phage, and is exceedingly blunt in some of its language.

Publication Status

There is a copy of this document at every hospital, health care facility, and barber shop in Pax.

Legal status

There is nothing implicityly wrong with the document, even though it was reviled by a certain segment of society when it was first released.

Historical Details


A combat medic by trade, Bartholomew Givens was also a brilliant biochemist and polymath. His thoughts on microbiology were of course derided, and reviled by many churches, but when The Weeping Phage struck Pax, his protocols wound up saving the day.


Bartholomew began experimenting with microbiology, in coordination with both the Medical School and the Glazier's Academy, as far back as 5150NG.

Public Reaction

The reaction to Bartholomew's suggestions was largely ridicule, and scorn, to which he would shrug his shoulders and say something like, "You can't get angry. You just have to pity the brain dead."


The medical community adotping these protocols during the time of the Phage saved countless lives.

Guide, How-to
Library-Greynor, lvl 1
The 1st true level of the archive, starting circa eight feet underground. Climate control is utterly essential when storing and restoring sometimes fragile ancient documents.
The Bardic College Campus
Settlement | Jul 2, 2024

The ancient and storied university of Pax

Bartholomew Givens
Character | Jul 2, 2024

"Wash your hands!"

The Bartholomew Protocols


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