Veritas Corviditae

The forests and brooks of Ravenwood are, at first glance, an idyllic old growth forest. Massive oaks, and grand maples grace the landscape, providing an ever-moving ceiling of branches and leaves under which to walk. Woodland creatures scurry hither and yon busily, and fish crowd the streams and creeks.

Travelling upstream will bring one to the populated regions of the country, generally in the form of round log cabins nestled amongst the low hills around the waterways. Canoe travel is generally considered to be the most efficient form of getting from one place to another, out in the woods. Continuing upstream, however, will bring one to the city, and the tower of Rolfe. Here, the trees have been thinned out and the buildings have been built in a grid system.

To the uninitiated, the city of Ravenwood is a marvel of urban planning and development. Food and consumables are brought in from the outlying communities, who make just enough profit from the exchange to keep them hunting and gathering happily. A culture of rugged individualism has been fostered throughout the outlying rural areas, and it works to keep the food and other necessities flowing into the city. Waste and garbage are moved out of the city via a system of sewers and ducts for wastewater, and regular garbage pickups for rubbish and trash. The city is kept extremely clean, by law.

To more perceptive individuals, the city can be recognized as an intricate prison system. Or, more precisely, a psychologically complex livestock pen. The methods used for gathering, feeding, caring for, and breeding humans in Ravenwood has been whispered about for years by the inhabitants of the region. The reasons for the regional government doing so, however are hotly debated.

On the one hand, there are those who truly believe the government means nothing but the best for the people of Ravenwood. These folks are utterly convinced that the official positions put forth by the administration, called Rolfe, is the gods' honest best way to live. They believe that Rolfe means nothing but the best for the citizens of Ravenwood.

On the other hand, an underground movement has been trying to undermine Rolfe's policies and procedures for nearly a decade. This group, calling themselves Veritas Corviditae, are convinced Rolfe is using Ravenwood as a giant chattel house for a vampire ruling class. They believe the entire city is a glorified food source, and that Rolfe is an organization of vampires that is using Ravenwood as a renewable supply of human fodder.


The organization is so small and secret, that it has been quite purposefully decentralized to mitigate exposure to the authorities. The only thing any of the members know is that their leader calls herself The Raven, and has a secret weapon of some sort.


Their culture is one of fear and loathing. At any time, they might become Rolfe's next target, and each member is painfully aware of that fact.

They are also aware that, in fact, that self-same fear is a dead giveaway to the vampiric authorities of Rolfe, and take great pains to not seem overburdened with anxiety and worry. For they are quite certain that anyone who knows the secret of Rolfe has disappeared, and each of those disappearances were under very suspicious circumstances.

Public Agenda

They have no public agenda; they exist only to fight Rolfe, in general, and Count Rolfe Rodrigo Schartenheiney the IV in particular.


The Amber Eye; an immense yellow tourmaline the size of a blacksmith's fist. It formerly sat atop Count Rodrigo's mace, but was stolen by Asphodel O'Deila-Xaviere and secreted away in Agiddo.
Please Note: Normally this secret would only be visible to Tellus' GMs  

The Ravens Know

Character flag image: Veritas Corviditae


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