Anivescori (ann-eye-ves-cor-ee)

The "memory stealers," as they are known, are a shapeshifting race who are able to blend in among the other civilizations of Temura. In their true form they are gaunt, pale humanoids, with a purple tint underneath their almost translucent skin. Where other beings would have hair they instead have long tendrils, fitted with barbs on their ends. These are used to lance into the skulls of other creatures, where they feed on their memories. While attached to another creature, they can attempt to access any of their memories, however they must consume memories for sustenance, at which point the victim loses any access to that memory. Anivescori in the larval stage are small, and can survive on very few memories, often attaching to a host's cranium as a parasite, and controlling the host's actions. In adulthood, Anivescori require much sustenance to survive, and must take enough memories to kill their victims, as they forget how to move or even breathe. Due to their nature, most people shun the Anivescori, and any that wander outside their underground colonies are usually either exiled or in the employ of less-then-pleasant types as spies and assassins.