
The humanoid Dragonbloods were said to once be dragons themselves, but had their flight taken from them by the wind god, Welkkin for their evil deeds. Many repented and accepted their life among the land-dwellers, but others rue their lowly position. Dragonbloods are few and far between, so their presence is usually a surprise wherever you may go.  


Greater Dragonbloods. These dragonbloods are about the size of humans if not larger, with reptilian scales across their chromatic skin. Out of repentance, they are said to have cut off their tails and presented them as a sacrifice to Welkkin, and still lack the tails of their lesser brethren.   Lesser Dragonbloods. Known often as kobolds, these dragonkin have retreated to caves and tunnels across Temura, shrinking in size with time. They dislike the "lesser" aspect of their name, and claim to be the true dragonbloods, never forsaking their roots. They often offer their service to various dragons, hoping to one day return to the skies.  


Fendal Peaks. Perhaps due to their unique ancestry, it seems that dragonbloods are drawn to the higher places of the world. While full of giants and other mountain creatures, the Fendal Peaks are home to a few remote dragonblood clans.   Grantith Some greater dragonbloods have found a sort of solidarity with the gruff dwarves of Grantith. As such several of their towns dot the northern border of the dwarvish kingdom.
Greater Dragonblood
Lifespan. Up to 120 years   Average Height. 6-6.7 feet   Average Weight. 190-275 pounds
Lesser Dragonblood   Lifespan. Up to 50 years   Average Height. 2.9-3.8 feet   Average Weight. 50-100 pounds