
Like halflings, gnomes can be found among most civilizations. Inventive and curious, many tend toward more urban settings than countryside. Gnomes crave knowledge and discovery, and ultimately seek understanding of everything around them. Wherever you go, there’s always a chance you’ll run into a gnome. Natural-born inventors, even those choosing a quieter life can't help but dream up innovated ways to practice their craft or trade. Due to the nature of invention, gnomes either find themselves making great advancements above those around them, or wasting a lot of valuable time and resources.  


Deep Gnomes. During the Great War, tales speak of large exodus of gnomes and dwarves deep underneath the Amrit Mounds. According to the tale, the dwarves turned back, frightened by what they found. The gnomes pressed on, either undeterred in their curiosity or perhaps they more greatly feared the horrors of the war on the surface. Regardless of its truth, one cannot deny the reemergence of these deep gnomes centuries later. After so much time underground, these gnomes have adapted to a subsurface life, though plenty can be found on the surface as well.  


Piffland. The only country like it, Piffland is a gnomish nation, or more accurately, commonwealth. While technically under the umbrella of the Cerinthian kingdoms, Piffland remains mostly autonomous. When the deep gnomes reemerged, the Amrit dwarves gifted the area known as the Amrit Mounds to them on which they reunited with their surface-dwelling kin and founded Piffland, which remains a haven for all gnome-kind.
Lifespan. Up to 150 years   Average Height. 2-2.5 feet   Average Weight. 25-40 pounds