
Goblins are a small, yet ambitious bunch, eager to get their hands on whatever gold and valuables they can. Throughout history, goblins were seen as evil and a pestilence on civilization, and though it is true that many goblin tribes are selfish bandits and murderers, in the modern era goblins are citizens of many towns and cities across the world.    


  Goblins. Goblins are usually small, similar in size to halflings or even gnomes. They have greenish or grey skin, sharp teeth, and long pointed ears that jut out from the sides of their heads. Goblins are conniving and opportunistic, and even those who try to walk a righteous path find it difficult not to pull the occasional deception against those around them.   Hobgoblins. In the age leading up to the Great War, the Nightmare King sought to build up his armies in preparation. Of all the mortal races, he found the goblins easiest to recruit, but their unorganized nature, and diminutive stature was not befit for war. He sought to combine the strength and mind of men with the impressionability of goblins, and thus the hobgoblins were born. This warring people made up the vast majority of the forces of darkness in the Great War. Today they have been mostly wiped out, and are sworn enemies of the entire continent.   Bugbears. Bugbears have both goblin and orcish ancestry, and have the worst of both sides. Hairy, smelly, lazy, and usually fairly stupid, at least they're strong to make up for it. Goblin tribes love the strength a bugbear provides to their horde, while orcs delight in the naivety and personality of a bugbear companion, and so they can be found among either.