
Strange, unemotional reptilians, lizardfolk are not unheard of, but they mostly keep to themselves. Lizardfolk tend to live in hot environments so swamps and deserts provide the most common sightings.    


  The Boglands. The swamps of the boglands are home of many lizardfolk tribes, and are somewhat recognized as their own nation. This is a distinction they share with their Aeluri neighbors and they are often content to let the responsibilities of government and diplomacy fall on the catfolk.   Anduria The desert kingdom of Anduria proves to be a great home for any lizard, especially those who like to wander. Lizardfolk are not ones to create or even understand many laws, and so the insistence of such laws in Anduria might be a deterrent.   The Narind Desert A truly lawless land, the Narind is the perfect place to bask in the sun without anyone bothering you or making you do anything. Lizardfolk are a tough fight and rarely carry anything of value so most go ignored by the local criminals and gangs if they aren't already members themselves.