
Said to be the first of the created beings, humans are found at every corner of the globe. Unless there is a sign and posted guards to keep them out, they will find a way to live there (and signs don't always deter them either). That said, unless a kingdom or area inherently is inhabited by another race, humans will more than likely make up the largest percentage of the population.  


New Cerinthia. This human empire, and it's surrounding commonwealths, is the true representation of mankind's remarkable progress as a people. Here you will find the most civilized men and most developed and unique occupations. An amalgamation of cultures, the humans of Cerinthia have adopted many of the customs and practices from their neighbors.   Selindor. As most central land of Temura and the epicenter of trade routes, Selindor is a great home for any ambitious human. Selindor is well connected with the rest of the world as a result of seeing so much trade and travel pass through its borders.   Sondabad. Most residents of Sondabad lead a quiet life, at least when there’s no threats of danger from any wandering monsters and beasts. If small life in a small town is your dream this is the place for you.   Anduria. Anduria is the desert kingdom of the west. Its cities are few and far between and life there is harsh. All this makes it a perfect place for humans to thrive.
Lifespan. Up to 95 years   Average Height. 5-6 feet   Average Weight. 115-225 pounds