
These jolly fellows tend towards a quiet life, and prefer agriculture or clerical (office, not church-going) work to the slicing and dicing of the wider world. As such Optimindium, colloquially dubbed halflings due to their similar but diminutive comparison to humans, are most often found in the countryside, though some take a liking to cities as well. Halflings love good food and good company, but have little interest in the outside world.  


Belind. This country is the agricultural backbone of the Cerinthian empire, and home of many halflings. Among the counties of Belind are the strongest governments of halflings, who rarely are a part of any cohesive governance elsewhere.   Selindor. If your halfling is a merchant, chance is they are making a good life for themselves in Selindor. Located at the center of the continent, this country sees most trade pass through its borders. It's also probably the most exciting place most halflings ever might live.   Sondabad. This remote collection of towns offers a quaint, quiet life for any halfling there, uninterrupted by the larger machines of civilization.
Lifespan. Up to 150 years   Average Height. 2.5-3.5 feet   Average Weight. 50-75 pounds