
Along the western base of the Fendal Peaks is Sondabad, a region made up of loosely connected towns along the Western Highway. The main industries of Sondabad are agriculture and mining, and most of their exports go to Anduria. Life in this part of the world is detached and quiet, though the distance between towns means threats from the nearby wilds loom overhead. Each town is governed by a town master, and little central government exists if any. The towns of Sondabad do share a militia and call upon each other for aid when faced with outside threats. Archmouth, the one true city in Sondabad, rests at the start of Stonethrow Pass, the only way through the Fendal Peaks devoid of giants and trolls.   Population 250,000   Demographics Human - 52% Dwarves - 16% Halflings - 13% Elves - 9% Gnomes - 4% Orcs - 3% Other - 2%   Government (feudalism) The towns of Sondabad are under the controls of town masters, who are given their position by the Duke of Archmouth. They are tasked with maintaining a militia as well as overseeing industry and trade. Archmouth receives taxes from the town masters, and thus allows them to stay in power. Some more progressive towns have elected officials, but these must still answer to the Duke.   History During the Great Exodus, a military man by the name of Veer Crawlin saw an opportunity, and took a sizable group of soldiers to set up a toll in Archmouth Pass. They shook down the many, many unguarded refugees and robbed them of everything they could, but let those who were well armed and powerful through. On these riches, Crawlin began to build Fort Archmouth. The Alliance of Syr believed Crawlin was simply fortifying their rear, but he continued to rob the poor and defenseless. When the time came, he betrayed his people, allowing the the forces of Mim to pass through in exchange for his life and rule. In the fallout after the Great War, Archmouth continued to grow, but Crawlin was killed by one of his men. Throughout the centuries, Archmouth has been ruled by many ambitious people and groups, eager to profit off of its unique location. In the year 1289 A.G.D., Archmouth came under control of a former Baron of Selindor, and Sondabad has maintained relative cohesion for the 50 or so years since.   Geography Plains Mountains Forests Valleys     Architecture Medieval   Resources and Industries Agriculture Mining Lumber   Military The towns of Sondabad have their own militias that answer to the larger military of Archmouth.   List of Cities and Settlements Archmouth Satbury Hampstead Windrip Darkwell Wolfpine Lindow Runswick Bredon