Time Immemorial

The traditional passages of "Time Immemorial", as maintained and translated from ancient Virnemor into the common tongue by the lore keepers of Elendar and cross-referenced with the Godstream tablets which date back to 0 A.G.D.   Since time immemorial, there was Chaos and Eternity who dwelt within the Void, and in the world lived nothing though the Wellspring of Creation flowed everlasting. From the Wellspring man then sprung forth, though they lacked purpose and fought many wars against the great wyrms, who came from places unknown. Seeing that man suffered and reviled their existence in the darkness, Eternity desired something more, so it reached into the Void and from it withdrew its children, who have ruled since time immemorial.     The eldest child was Light, and he sought to push back the Void, desiring a realm to rule over.  The second child was Wind, who gifted wings to the wyrms and built them domains in the sky. The third child was Nature, who asked his eldest brother to grant life to his creations, the creatures and trees of the earth, and to Wind he asked for flight, for the birds of the air. The fourth and fifth children were the twin sisters of Knowledge and Choice, who each gave their gifts to man. The twin gifts cannot be separated, for it has been so since time immemorial. The sixth child was Justice, who saw that there must be order, and that there must be consequences for what for what his older siblings brought before.     Light then declared himself the mightiest of the the divines, and was named God-King over all the realms. He was decreed the only one who could use the Wellspring of Creation to form life, so that it's power might not be corrupted.      Seeing the might that Light held and desiring the power of life herself, Chaos came before the God-King and sought his devotion. Seeing that Chaos was beautiful, Light declared her his queen, and in their passion they shaped the world into mountains and valleys, as it it known today.     Seeing that man was imperfect and lacking, Light then asked that his brothers and sisters create beings of their own to which he would grant life. The best of these he would bless beyond all others.   Wind refused the challenge, believing the dragons superior to all others, no other being could measure. Seeing that man was restless and saw not the value of things that grow, Nature then made the virnemor, a people at peace and harmony with the trees and the creatures he had made. The twin sisters too desired creations in their own likeness, though Light decreed that they must work together to make one being. The twins could not agree on their creation and thus split it in two halves, the gnominium, who crave knowledge but fear choices, and the optimindium who desire choices but reject knowledge. Seeing that man and the other created beings were often fickle and without conviction, Justice reached into the stone of the earth and made the viius who were strong and steadfast.   Light then looked upon these creations and was drawn to the virnemor, many of whom looked to the lights of the heavens in curiosity and wonder. He declared them his chosen, that they may join him among the stars when they come of age, and thus they have been blessed since time immemorial.     Chaos grew jealous of Light's fascination with the virnemor, and feared that he might betray her love and that she would be powerless against the children of Eternity. Fearing that Eternity had kept more of its children hidden, she cut it asunder under cover of shadow and from it withdrew the children of darkness to answer to the eternal children. Chaos then hid Eternity’s broken body within the Void. And thus time began.   Chaos then told the children of Eternity of the new gods she had found and gave counsel that they might join the divines in ruling over the realms. The gods, not knowing of her deception allowed the children of darkness to rule alongside them. They then began to place their own twisted creations within the world.   Abyss filled the valleys with oceans and placed beasts within that thrive only in darkness. The Wild took the ordered creatures of Nature and gave them bloodlust and terror. Secret whispered in the minds of the created beings, granting them darkened curiosity. Trickery offered these same beings power and comfort in exchange for servitude. War then created strife within the ranks of the created beings. Lastly, Fear entered the hearts of both man and virnemae.   As the created beings became mortal and Eternity was no more, Death sprung forth from Eternity, the last of its children. She then began her great work, gathering souls and bringing them before the Eternal Tribunal, here it is decided where they might dwell when their lives are no more.   Thus it has remained since time immemorial.
Manuscript, Religious