Viius (vees / vee-us)

The Viius are a strong and proud people, and have been given the name "dwarf" in common speak. There were once many great dwarven sovereignties dotting the surface of Temura, but in the wake of the Great War, these kingdoms were all but wiped out, with only those retreating deep within the mountains surviving. Today there are many dwarven ruins across the continent, remnants of an age since past. There are two great dwarven nations in Temura, the gruff miners of Grantith and the artisan jewelers and craftsmen of Amrit. While dwarves are found in all the same places as humans and elves, these are the most centralized locations.  


Amrit. The Amrit dwarves live within the similarly named Amrit Mountains. These form a ring that creates a solid border, though these dwarves are quick to befriend outsiders and even quicker to sell their wares.   Grantith. These dwarves are less likely to take a liking to anyone they don’t already know, and the harsh conditions of the Northern Peaks they call home have hardened their attitudes. Regardless, they take pride in their work, whether that be in the mining of precious metals, or in smithing reliable weapons and tools. While their eastern cousins are often concerned with the visage of a work, Grantith dwarves value practicality over anything else.
Lifespan. Up to 120 years   Average Height. 4 to 4.8 feet   Average Weight. 150-250 pounds