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A nation far south from Tempricida and Seculas. Awestrelon has a long history, begining as a nation where other nations sent criminals for exile due to the dangerous wildlife, Awestrelon was first settled by groups of roving gangs with a particular focus on who had the strongest magic.   Orff Caramina (Magic Eating Beetles) are not found in this country, meaning spellcasters are abundant. There was a scare regarding one being found on a ship headed towards Awestrelon but the ship it was found on was swiftly redirected to avoid a nationwide tragedy.   In it's past, Awestrelon had issues of treating those without magic as second class citizens and while this has lessened over time there is still a stigma attached to the inability to cast at least simple spells.   The worship of He Who Does Not Sleep is the most widely practiced religion in the country. While not as central to society as magic itself is, religious worship is still highly practiced with Clerics and Paladins being highly respected members of society.   Awestrelon has a Royal Family comprised of Tieflings. This is considered strange by many from other countries where Tieflings are often viewed with distrust or even possible distain. In Awestrelon this is considered to make perfect sense due to the fact Tieflings are a species known for their innate magical abilities. The Royal Family did have a scandal where onne of their children contracted an unfortunate illness robbing her of the ability to do much magic. But they seem to have it under control now.   Awestrelon has the best Magic School known to the planet. It's academic circles are considered to be the gold standard for Wizards.
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