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The Order of The God of Suffering

Located in the mountains near Kolas, the Town of Two is the cult devoted to "He of Many Burdens" Or the God of Suffering, they choose a child to be taught the lore of their religion and torture them to be the representative of their God on this earth, the Wretched Obulation.   They understand that suffering is a natural part of the world's experience and value it above all else. No one can avoid it. But you can balance the suffering of the world to your favour. The Wretched Obulation is tortured in the view that one person's suffering will mean there's less suffering for the rest of the village.   Women are extra special and should be protected from suffering, thus the Wretched Obulation is typically a girl so there's less suffering for women of the village.   Their mark is a scarified stigmata. The Wretched Obulation has it carved into their hands as does any being trained for the role. Meanwhile the rest of the cult's members wear gloves with extra protection where the stigmata would be placed.
Religious, Cult
Notable Members


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