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The Sleepless Forest

Deep in a secluded forest, the cult of The One Who Does Not Sleep resides, honing their skills as fortune tellers and worshipping the one God that cannot be influenced in their dreams, after all, Fate remains awake and an active part of Tempricida.   Those living in the Sleepless Forest are expected to live up to the tennants of the Fate religion. Sleep is punishable by death and prophecies should be taken with the greatest importance.   With the exception of some temples and a few houses, most homes are made within trees.    It is not uncommon to find places hollowed out or hidden behind traps, typically to protect or hide places people go when they cannot hold out against sleep any longer.   Their temple is large and home to the majority of clerics, as well as their lone Paladin, Silvyr Draconian. Often, theres some kind of ceremony happening, be it serious as a new Cleric sworn into Fate's service or simple as a gambling tourney.   Red Sky Day is the biggest celebration in the Sleepless Forest as a celebration of Fate's victory over the other Gods. The area is decorated with lights and banners. It is celebrated as a large party with all those found sleeping in the last week being sacrificed and alcohol and drugs being taken as much as people can without blacking out and finding themselves on the altar.
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