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The Cult of He Who Does Not Sleep

Worship of He Who Does Not Sleep is the primary religion of the rest of the world, since the other Gods are asleep and less capable of influencing the world or communicating with followers.   He Who Does Not Sleep's followers in Tempricida specifically are spread far and wide, consisting of multiple settlements with their own leaders.   Members of this cult typically have tattoos of eyes under their actual eyes to symbolicly stay awake. However, as with most groups in Tempricida, his followers are more fanatical here and keep trying to stay awake through any method possible, music, violence, coffee. For most of his people sleeping is a crime, punishable by death.   Fortune Telling, Forged and Real is a common trait for them, glimpses of the future that may be told to influence others. Gambling is also a common hobby for those who follow the Sleepless One. A lot of his worship coinciding with themes of luck.   The ban on sleeping comes from the teaching that "Those Who Sleep, only Fate may wake up" as such death of those within the religion is commonly referred to as "Sleeping"   And Fate does indeed wake up the Sleeping, to use their bodies to do what he wishes within the mortal world. Those within the cult consider this a high honor for the one who has been "Woken Up" and burials are done in a way that in no way damages the corpse. The body belongs to Fate, it should be treated with care as a result. But typically only paladins are expected to be granted the honor of reawakening.


Various groups spring up in areas, usually run by an Acolyte or High Priest of the religion with various other priests, clerics ect. Often end up taking over towns or at least gaining the majority of the power in the region.

Public Agenda

A religious group. Following the God said to have helped the mortals put the others to sleep.

Mythology & Lore

The God of Fate or He Who Does Not Sleep is the only God awake after the Sleeping due to being its instigator. Before long Fate's religion became the primary one worldwide, however in Tempricida, where the Gods had the most intensive influence on their worshippers it is just one of many major religious groups in the area.   Tempricidan Fate Worshippers are far more fanatical in their practices than other nations views on the religion, having cultural expectations to avoid sleep at all costs and a strict belief in a persons life being pre-determined.

Tenets of Faith

Only The One Who Does Not Sleep Can Reawaken The Sleeping: All who sleep should be killed for it, as to wake back up would be sacriligious. Necromancy is forbidden for the same reasons. Fate Rules Supreme over the Sleeping Gods: He is the only one awake and thus has triumphed over the others.


Priests or Clerics of Fate have more decorated eye tattoos and the more elder clerics oversee much of the running of Fate settlements.   Officially, Paladins outrank Clerics of this religious group, having even more decorated eyes and being positioned as the figureheads of the religions. But as Paladins often die young and are so closely connected to the Clerics, they often do not make most of the real choices about the cult's day to day running.   Clerics are appointed after years of study and training to seek the magical blessings of their God. Practicing particularly divination in their Gods name.   Paladins are chosen in a special ceremony all young of the Fate cult undergo as children where they are given a unique crystal ball that allows one to watch memories of a persons life. Paladins are inately able to see future events through this crystal ball and thus said to be chosen by Fate himself for the life that follows.

Granted Divine Powers

The Ability to See the Future is a common gift within this religious group. Many have impecable time keeping skills as well.

The Sleepless Stars Watch All

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Cult of The Sleepless One, Fateism
Fate Worshippers/Fate Cultists
Government System
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items

Non-Agressive, Heathen Sect of the Religion

While the worshippers in Continuum have no ill will towards the Fate cult, the Fate cult considers them heathens

Technically At War


These two cults recently were declared to be at war. The first battle will be fought at The Sleepless Forest.


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