These beings are known as the Primordials, the Primigenials, the True Powers that Govern This World, the Eldritch Powers, the Elder Truths, and the Gods of the Void, these apathetic and monolithic beings of awe-striking and sanity-blasting power were once the rulers of would be the universe of Tenebra. These beings were exiled millions of years ago into the voids of space and time by the Empyrean Gods. They, for the most part, stay despondent and languid over their state of banishment for millennia.
This state of expulsion would not last as millions of years later the Great Holy War brought the weakening of the barriers between the Void, or the Black Mist, and the Eldritch Powers would seep out of their banishment into the mundanity of Tenebra. It took the combined might of the malignant Adrammalech and the remaining Empyrean Gods to seal what is now known of Mictlan, an open wound into the Void, from the rest of the world.
Mictlan now looks like a black mist surrounding most of what makes up a former sub-continent, and any person who wishes to venture forth into Mictlan almost never returns. Those that do return come back horrifically mutated, completely insane, or enlightened in their cosmic profusion of an encounter. These "enlightened" individuals have propped up cults around the world to worship the True Powers, and they preach that when the stars and time is right that the Eldritch Powers will pour through Mictlan and retake what was once theirs.
Basic Information
This race of monolithic power mutates and breeds in odd and foreign ways that tend to drive observers clasping and breathing over to the edge of madness.
Genetics and Reproduction
From the various spores, scales, eyes, tendrils, and infinitely producing substances create forth the Voidspawn or Voidlings. These Voidspawn seem to be produced almost infinitely from whatever Elder Truth breeds them and vary almost infinitely. Most Voidspawn care not for the lives and morals of mortal life, but a minority of others have been soaked in the ambient aetherial energy left after the Great Holy War and have the capability of doing good deeds. All are without what a mortal calls a "soul."
Growth Rate & Stages
An Autochthon can mutate itself into whatever shape and size it so wishes. Some rumors spread in Tenebra amongst the most fringe of cults that some Elder Truths observe the world in the forms of bacteria or ambient pungent air. Why they do as such no in is certain nor if this rumor is entirely true. But if it is, then containment or banishment of these monolithic beings of unknowable potency is entirely nugatory, and the world can and will be snuffed out at any possible moment even in the brightest and happiest instances of availment.
Ecology and Habitats
The creatures of the void can survive in any and all environments depending on their mutagenic properties.
Dietary Needs and Habits
The dietary needs of each Elder Power is nugatory and nearly down out of blind curiosity rather than survival.
Biological Cycle
Each Eldritch Power is entirely immortal and numb to the banal passages of time that mortal beings are fond of.
Additional Information
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Omnipresent and omniscient in most cases of these beings' powers. In some cases, blind and idiotic without end or reason.
Scientific Name