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Harlequin Rose

Group of people who dress like jesters and have been causing trouble in Joan'Stella.
Until recently, it had all been simple vandalism, but recently one of the pranks turned violent and someone died.
Their masks seem to be coming from Maurizio's Mysterios, and they seem to be buying the emblem from the blacksmith, Remy to put on their clothes.
They dress like clowns or jesters.
Mary Troilo appears to be one of them. Now confirmed she was.
The Harlequin Rose has been separated into 2 factions, the Tricksters and the Anarchists. The Tricksters were just playing pranks to keep the nobles humble and helping those who needed it. The Anarchists rose up when Jack came into power. They desire chaos and to control Sloegarde.

During the Masquerade, the Harlequin Rose Anarchists made their big move and killed many nobles and tried to start a war between Sloegarde and Joan'Stella. Luckily, the party was able to stop that from happening, but they were unable to save all the nobles. They got help from the Tricksters who never wanted the Harlequin Rose to become what it had.


Newer group (past couple months) but well organized. Perhaps there was an old original name and they came from somewhere else?
Originally thought it was a small group, now it looks like there might be a small army of them.
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