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Chromatic Dragons

While there are many types of dragons, from the powerful planar dragons to the strange esoteric dragons, few dragon varieties are as well-known and as rightly feared as the chromatic dragons. Differentiated by the hue of their scales, each color of dragon unleashes its own flavor of murderous cruelty—be it by claw, tooth, or breath—and unlike most creatures, dragons only become more powerful as they age. Their lust for treasure, food, bloodshed, and control are legendary. Physically powerful with egos to match, these dragons are often morally depraved and act as criminal masterminds, vicious tyrants, or voracious raiders.
The chromatic dragons that dwell in Tengaria are cruel and sinister monsters who inspire as much fear as reverence. These terrible beasts are no mere myth, however, but a very real threat to the people with whom they share their lands. Most dwell in the wild places of the world, and only the most brazen of them regularly meddle in mortal affairs. The dragons of Panaria believe that they are descended from two original beings, Bahamut and Tiamat , and their rich mythology attempts to explain the origins of the age-old war between chromatic and metallic dragons.

Metallic Dragons

Paragons of virtue, nobility, and grace, metallic dragons are benevolent entities revered as mythic beings akin to gods in both their power and majesty. Few have ever seen a metallic dragon firsthand, but tales of their intervention in mortals' lives—and of their passing—always spread far and wide. Named for the way their scales resemble the shining metals humanoids use in commerce, warfare, and industry, these immense beings are diverse in their interests and abilities, and they don't seem to mind being associated with such mundane materials. After all, to compare a gold dragon to a gold coin is like comparing an ocean to a glass of water—though they may seem similar at first glance, the raw power, breadth, and grandeur of one simply overwhelms the other.

Metallic dragons are found throughout Tengaria, especially in pockets of wilderness where they can carve a hideout and then take action on political and social issues, both in their local area and on a wider scale. Their everlasting war with chromatic dragons keeps them in close proximity to their evil brethren; in regions where metallic and chromatic dragons' territories intersect, humanoid settlements get caught in the crossfire, and villagers and city-dwellers alike rightfully fear for their own safety.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

All types dragons are able to mate with eachother. Although the type of dragon born from a clutch is exclusively decided by the type of the mother. For example if a Red Dragon male mated with a White Dragon female the offspring would all be White dragons.
It is theorized that chromatic dragons and metallic dragons are able to interbreed but due to the ancient enmity between the two groups this has never been observed.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wyrmling: Birth to 5 years
Young: 6-100 years
Adult: 100-800 years
Ancient: 800 years or more
A survey of the Locations of the Known Ancient Dragons of Tengaria
Genetic Descendants
over 1000 years
Average Weight
up to 70,000 lbs
Average Length
up to 100 feet.


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