House Blackhold of Blackhold

House Blackhold is a noble house in the kingdom of Majik. Their seat is the Blackhold, a castle that lies next to the Goodwater. The head of their house is Lord Draven of Blackhold, known as the Black Lord Draven.   Their coat of arms is a white sword, for the Iceblade Empire, on a blackshield on dark grey. The house still has strong sympathies for the fallen empire and ties to the nobles of the Human Kingdoms. Their house motto is Vigilance, Duty, Honour. The house also has a battle cry that is echoed by their soldiers and house members, that being, Duty Preserves Us!   Historically House Blackhold had been rivals of House Moore of Godspool, but after Lord Jorah of Blackhold mended the relations and Roderick Moore married Adriel of Blackhold, the two families have been getting closer.  


  Members of House Blackhold are known for their size and strength. They are tall, lean, and fierce in battle. Originally, most members were human with either black or dark brown hair, but after Draven of Blackhold married Rosha Juden members are known to have darker skin, lighter hair of whites and blondes, and have extended lifespans because of their elven blood.  


  The Blackholds are from the Human Kingdoms and carry over alot of their traditions and customs. They are also a knightly house. A comman saying is that every child of Blackhold is given a sword to play, and a shield in their cradle. They train all members how to fight, and produce excellent soldiers for the crown. Not only are their members deadly, they are quite chivalrous. They are each held by the knights code as they are raised.  


  The history of the house was started when Beric Waters on his death bed gave the Blackhelm to his son, Cedric. Cedric fled to Majik where he went under the service of House Ottez of Majik. He earned a place on King Arthur's war council and quickly rose through the ranks of the Majiki Military. The king awarded Cedric land and a castle, that he called Blackhold. He named his family after the castle as prior to then, he had no other name besides the bastard title of his father.   Cedric's son, Beric of Blackhold, started a war with House Moore of Godspool. There was a battle at the castle of Argrove . The battle costed the life of the Lord of Godspool and one of his brothers, but the Moore forces were victorious. King Arthur himself came down to settle the conflict. Beric was given the choice of abdicating his castle, leaving it to his better suited brother, or death by beheading, as he had broken the king's peace. Beric decided has he would die. He was killed by Godric Moore, a knight of King Arthur's Kingsguard. Beric's brother, Garon, assumed title of Lord and swore fealty to the king, promising never to take up arms against House Moore again. It is said that the war between House Moore and Blackhold continued, but with Garon at the helm it was a war of cloak and daggers, not shields and swords.   House Blackhold would find itself in the hands of Ser Jorah of Blackhold. Ser Jorah had previously been a Sergeant in the Majiki military, but after his eldest brother and father were killed in the first of the Three Pirate Wars. His other brother, Osmund, shortly after becoming lord, was poisoned by Micha Moore. Jorah became lord and settled the disputes between his house and House Moore. He was married and had two sons, his wive would die trying to give him a third. When his son turned seven, Ser Jorah sent his young son, Draven to Alumyth to study at the Royal Academy because he wanted his son to have "A King's education". Draven begged to return to home twp years later as he could not stand the city, and the Academy was dismissive of Draven and rarely considered his disability. Draven returned home and learned from his father, the ways of a soldier. He practiced sword fighting, battle commanding, and planning. He employed Ældars from the Human Kingdom's, Bladesingers from Ventos, Elven Mages from the Empire, all to help his son overcome his blindness. From his tutorage, Draven would became incredibly skilled and well versed in combat. He would surpass his brother, Elys, and would quickly become a legend across Majik. Even the The Iron Knight paid the boy mind, and Draven later became his squire.   Draven would marry Rosha Juden in the year 439.   In the year 441, Lord Jorah would die on a hunt of a burst belly. His son Elys would succeed him.   Draven would fight in the The Majiki Tiefling Uprising. He would make his name known during the battle of Quardyn Valley where he killed the brother of Heirax the Firehand. He would be recruited to the Horned Riders by Aerentis the Ironhand. In the Second and Third Battle of Shieldridge, a witness of the battle described Draven as a "nightmarish blur of darkness, blood, and steel. He would cut into one enemy and before they even fell, he would have sliced open another. When the battle was said and done, his armour ran crimson with blood. There on, Draven was called "The Sightless Nightmare". When Caius Vein heard about the approaching army of Majik he wished for a change to duel Draven. In the Battle at Devil's Field, Draven would command the left flank of the royal army. In the battle Draven and Caius would never meet. While Aerentis and the other Horned Riders stormed the ruined castle of Ironhall, Draven assisted the wounded of his allies and foe. Draven would find his brother, Elys, his entire face melted by fire. He was only alive briefly, Draven and his brother shared one last conversation before he died. After Ironhall was secured, Lord Draven returned home and buried his brother in the crypts.   During The Three Days War Lord Draven would command a large host. He gave Careem's forces their sole defeat at The Battle at the Goodwater. During the The Day of Red Grass Lord Draven attempted to catch Careem's forces from behind, but was ambushed by the Lord Frode's army. In the southern half of the Redgrass the battlefield was lit with wildfire. The magical flame engulfed Draven's forces and his family. His wife, Rosha, and five of his seven children would die in the battle. He and his eldest son Hadwynn would be taken as hostages were they were kept in horrible conditions. Aerenits bought the freedom for Draven and his son.   Dairin of Blackhold who was the Commander of the City Watch of Alumyth was raised to Lord Commander of the Kingsguard for Quellion III Ottez.
Coat of Arms
A White Sword inside a Black Shield on Dark Grey
Vigilance, Duty, Honour
The Blackhold
Draven of Blackhold
Erryk of Blackhold
Ancestral Items
Cedric of Blackhold
Family Leader


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