Bordo Grimpie

Lord Bordo Grimpie is the Lord of Hornsrest and the Head of House Grimpie. He has a wife, Mary Grimpie, and the two of them have had 15 children. He has a mouse named Maddo. He served as Master of Coin for twenty years for Quellion II Ottez, but he resigned after his wife fell ill.  

Appearance and Character

  Bordo is taller and skinnier than most halflings. His hair has aged silver inlayed with gold. He has a beard with a curled moustache. A pair of seeing glass spectacles rest on his nose. Hear wears fine clothes and wears expensive jewlery. He usually wears fine velvet and leather jackets. His eyes are green flecked with gold, and many say they carry a playful twinkle.   Bordo is a shrewd and calculating halfling. He is quiet and unassuming, not a man to boast. He has given his family and port town great wealth in his years as lord. His time as Lord of Hornsrest has led many to believe that he is a heartless slaver, but that could not be farther from the truth. Bordo is a generous and compassionate man who seeks nothing but the betterment of the realm and his house. He often sponsors tournaments across the realm from his wealth. He has also built orphanages and housing for those displaced during The Majiki Tiefling Uprising and The Three Days War. Unlike other members of his house in the past, Bordo dislikes the act of flaying and dehorning Tieflings, he does not view it neccessary or right.  


  Bordo was born the son of Walden Grimpie, historically called Bloodpie because of his treatment of the slaves in his care. His father would be murdered while he slept in his bed by one of his tiefling mistresses and Bordo would inherit his father's lands at the age of 16.
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