The Three Days War

The Three Days War was a military conflict between the royal forces of Majik and the Nordic warrior Careem Stormsword. It lasted under a year and resulted in the sacking of Alumyth, and the maiming of Viell I Ottez and his admission to the murder of his father, Quellion II Ottez.  


  The last five years King Quellion II Ottez had been in discussion with his good friend Edward II the High King of Haven about the vasslization of the Kingdom of Majik under the High Kingdom.   During their talks, King Quellion agreed to allow a party of Nords to come settle next to Lord Frode the Stranger in the southern part of Majik and for them to take over the town of Felyn. The High King sent his trusted friend, Careem Stormsword, to begin negotiations prior to the settlers arriving.   Quellion would host a feast in Careem's honour, and that night the King was found dead. Prince Viell blamed Careem and imprisoned him within the Blackiron Cells under the castle. At the same time, Viell tasked Merrick Cayn with ambushing and killing the oncoming Nordic settlers.  

The Three Days War

The Slaughter at Felyn

  After Quellion's death Ser Merrick Cayn lead an assault on the arriving Nordic settlers. They killed them all, including Careem's wife and son. The only known survivors were Careem's brothers, Thrain and Bjorn, his son Sigurd and Andor Twice-Maimed. The settlement of Felyn was completely burnt to the ground.

The Northman's Betrayal

  The survivors of the The Slaughter at Felyn, Andor, Careem's brothers, and his son Sigurd, sought refuge at Lord Frode the Stranger's settlement. There they convinced the lord to join their side against the king. Ser Merrick Cayn and Lord Donnal Merry continued their search for the survivours when they received a message from the Lord Frode, detailing that the survivors sought refuge in their home and that he has imprisoned them and plans to hand them over to the crown. The two made their way down to Lord Frode and discovered his host. They approached as friends but were attacked by the northman. Merrick's men were unprepared, making the battle over quickly. Merrick managed to escape with under half his men while Lord Donnal was captured.

The Day of Red Snow

  After the Northman's Betrayal, Careem's brothers, Bjorn and Thrain led a small detachment to the capital of Alumyth in hopes to free their brother. In the middle of the night, Bjorn led the men through the old dwarven ruins and sewers of Majik, finding a forgotten passage that lead into the prison. They quietly went through the prison, killing anyone they saw, and made their way down to the lowest levels of the Blackiron cells. They broke Careem out and swiftly made their way through the castle and city, cutting down guards and it's inhabitants, leaving it in chaos. As the first snow fell that night, it was known as the Day of Red Snow.

The Destruction of Merryhall

  After The Day of Red Snow Careem rode with Thrain to the castle of Merryhall, his brother Bjorn, disbanded from the group to bring the rest of Careem's men and their captive Lord Donnal Merry to Merryhall. The settlement was pretty much undefended, and he Nords attacked in a frenzy. The surrounding town was torched, Lord Merry's wife and child attempted to barricade themselves in the church, though it was burnt down. Caspian Rein would die in the attack, attempting to save Lord Merry's family as they were burnt inside a church. Bjorn refused to assist his brother in the war anylonger. After the battle he stayed behind with Andor Twice-Maimed to bury the bodies of House Merry and assist the smallfolk there.

The Day of Red Grass

  Careem led the rest of his soldiers towards the capital after the Destruction of Merryhall. He was made aware of Aerentis' host coming down to meet him and Lord Draven's plan to attack him from the back. He sent Thrain to attack the undefended city of Sunharvest and told Lord Frode to stay behind and wait for Lord Draven's forces to appear before joining the battle. He also planned to use the wildfire that Lord Frode gave to Careem to box in the battlefield. Aerentis and Careem had a brief exchange before the battle. And once the forces met it was chaos. The battlefield was a swarm of sickly green fire and the ground was covered in pools of blood and piles of bodies. Thrain was killed by Merrick Cayn at Sunharvest. Lord Draven was ambushed and had his forces wiped out by Frode. Aerentis was crippled after Careem killed his horse. Aerentis was rescued by Merrick Cayn, and the rest of the royalist soldiers retreated back to the capital. The grass that was not burnt was permanently stained red, and it was known as the Day of Red Grass.  

The Day of Red Stone

  The survivors fled back to the capital after The Day of Red Grass. Hoping to prepare for the final battle to come. Careem rushed his way to the capital. He waited outside the city walls for days until the rest of his party caught up to him. They again planned to breach the city by going through the dwarven ruins and the sewers, though this time would be a lot slower as they had a host of nearly one thousand men. Aerentis had begun to suspect this and stationed men in the dwarven ruins. The Nords still fought their way through the ruins and sewers. Bjorn was killed by Merrick Cayn. Still, Careem's men stormed the city. Careem made his way to the castle with a handful of men, while the rest sacked the capital. The Queen Risa Gaolyth, believed she could convince Careem to stand down. She was killed at the gates of the palace and dumped into the sea. Careem broke into the palace, slaying the palace guards and kingsguard. He knocked down and maimed Viell, demanding that he admit to the murder of his own father. Aerentis then spoke to Careem, and whatever he said made Careem leave the city, sparing the king.  


  Aerentis gave the south of the island to the Nords and assumed control of Majik as Viell went into a coma.   When Viell awoke, he had been excommunicated by the High Priest of the Brimirist Church.   The war is remembered as a brutal and unnecessary conflict that continued to break the already bleeding nation of Majik. It costed the lives of many nobles and lowborn alike. It also led to the complete extinction of House Goldgrain.



Around 3,500 - 5,000
Around 2,000


Around 3,000
1,000 - 1,500


Kill or Capture Careem Stormsword -Failed-
Kill the King Viell I OttezĀ 


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